How to Write an Argumentative Essay

Updated: June 19, 2023

Students in college are usually given many writing assignments by their course tutors. Such assignments frustrate most of them. There is a lot of pressure because writing requires specific sets of skills. At a higher education level, a student will be expected to have the knowledge and other skills such as research and critical thinking.  But to be honest, not every student can write. They need argumentative essay tips. When it comes to argumentative essays, your course teacher will normally assign the concept or topic to write about.

What Is an Argumentative Essay?

Argumentative papers are common in colleges in various subjects such as history, literature, and political science. They are mostly assigned to test the students’ writing and critical reasoning skills. It entails presenting concrete arguments to convince the readers about a specific subject. The student must argue valid points and illustrate that they have grasped the requisite knowledge on the topic that has been studied. The task is assigned to enable the student to harness debating skills which could help the student’s future when giving public speeches to defend particular views. With this understanding of an argumentative essay definition, you can conveniently seek writing help from well-qualified writers offering writing services at affordable and competitive prices.

How to Start an Argumentative Essay

Once you have your topic, starting the essay should be manageable.  Before you start writing, ensure that you have an outline that will guide what details will be included in the paper. A good argumentative essay usually starts with an introduction that provides the foundation for your ideas followed by a strong thesis statement. Start with a hook that will entice the reader. It could be an unknown fact, a quote, or a stimulating question. If you wish to learn and comprehend how to start an argumentative essay, seek essay writing assistance and have your papers written by skillful writers.

How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay

As a student, you need a plan to write a good academic paper. This plan can be seriously affected by your choice of topic. There are numerous subjects accessible for any student who what to know how to write good argumentative essays. The topic should be appropriate to the field of study. To write an excellent essay, you need to research your ideas. Search for information from credible sources. You can then brainstorm and develop your outline to paint a clear image of the angle your paper will take. After that, create the essay structure and then start writing. Once you’re done with your first draft, edit and proofread the paper to give it a final touch.

Read more: 75 Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas

Tips for Writing an Argumentative Essay

Do you have any essay ideas? Well, there are multiple topics that you can choose to write about. The most important thing to observe is the following argumentative essay tips:

  • Keep the topic interesting. You need an arguable idea. The more the information you can find about the topic, the better. If it’s boring, it will be challenging to write about.
  • Take advantage of controversial facts. It makes your arguments more thought-provoking as opposed to using pure facts. Making your discussion provocative will enable you to express your opinion more vividly.
  • Pick a precise topic. It shouldn’t be too wide or too narrow. If you pick a wide topic, you may get lost in it. A narrower topic may also not bring out the details appropriately.
  • Don’t be one-sided: While giving your views, do not lean only on what interests you. Highlight the other side of the arguments too.

How to Structure an Argumentative Essay

The common essay structure is simple and easy to follow. What you need to do is to support it with concrete and sensible information. It needs to be accurate and precise to be more meaningful. The structure of an argumentative essay entails having an introductory paragraph, supporting the arguments with factual statements in the body paragraph, and then summarizing your ideas in conclusion. You can learn and get more argumentative essay examples by enjoying the benefits of exemplary writing services that are tailored to meet all your academic needs. The services also offer free revisions and refunds in case the paper does not meet the highest scholarly standards.

How to End an Argumentative Essay

Your ending is as vital as your start. You need to persuade the reader that your argumentative essay has discussed fundamental and solid arguments on the topic you are writing about. You have to end the paper by illustrating that the position your paper has taken on a specific matter is the best. It needs to be precise and succinct by epitomizing the thesis statement. When ending the essay, make sure that no new facts are introduced because it may cloud the readers’ judgments. If you can’t get the grip to write a good ending, you can get help from reliable, professional services with additional hints on how to end an argumentative essay.

Argumentative Essay Outline

To outline simply means to form your ideas before the writing starts. You need to take your notebook and pen then compose your thesis statement. Create a tree diagram where each concept you have noted has other ideas stemming from it; just like a tree with branches. The branches represent summaries of sentences that will guide you on what you want to write in each paragraph. Your argumentative essay outline should provide you a roadmap of what you will discuss. If you want the best academic paper outlines, get assistance by professional writing services for quality, affordable, and plagiarism free college papers.

Argumentative Essay Structure

The structure of your argumentative essay should have the following parts:

  • Introduction: The starting point of your paper that includes your thesis statement and attention-grabbing fact to make your readers to want more.
  • Main Body: This part illuminates the justifying facts to prove the claims in your essay. The body is divided into three other paragraphs with very logical information that can be easily understood by the readers.
  • Conclusion: This section finalizes the essay and offers a call-to-action to the readers to side with your arguments.

To know more about the essay structure and other argumentative essay tips, order for academic papers online from tried-and-true writing services.

Argumentative Essay Introduction

If you’re a great fan of legal TV shows like Suits or Law and Order, then you have watched how lawyers passionately express themselves when giving their opening statements for their clients in court.

Your essay introduction needs to hook the attention of your reader and present your background information in an intellectual, persuasive and logical manner. Give astonishing facts, stats, or quotes.

The end sentence should be your thesis statement which is essentially the root of your argumentative essay. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are additional interesting argumentative essay guidelines available on writing services online.

Argumentative Essay Body

The body paragraphs of your argumentative essays must flow seamlessly from one sentence to the other. To guarantee this flow, you need to make use of transitional words to show the linkage between the paragraphs. Words such as moreover, also, also, besides, further, importantly, consequently, similarly, for example, and, among others, should prominently feature in your body paragraphs. The body must present clear facts to support your arguments and the thesis statement. Give information according to your perspective and offer a reasonable explanation for specific points. You can also use argumentative essay definition and tips available on writing services websites to get more insights and writing assignment help.

Argumentative Essay Conclusion

Most students are challenged with writing a perfect conclusion for their argumentative essays. This is because the body paragraphs consume the key ideas and once they have been capture clearly, there is a temptation to write the conclusion and submit the paper hastily. Your conclusion should be as solid as your introduction. You need to give persuasive closing statements that reaffirm the thesis to give the reader a lasting impression.

Your assignments should not burden you. While feeling the pressure is normal, especially when you are running out of time, you can always consult professional essay writers to help you with your academic papers. Whether you are writing an essay, a dissertation, a term paper, or a thesis, you can conveniently interact with custom writing services to handle your papers. The services come with great quality, timely delivery, free revisions, refunds, guaranteed confidentiality, and academic papers free from plagiarism. Try it today and begin an academic journey with the best argumentative essay writing service for students.

George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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