60 Rogerian Essay Topics

Updated: May 12, 2023

The Rogerian style of writing is one that requires you to start and discuss an argument without leaning on either side. It is a unique argumentative style of writing that attempts to find a middle ground for debatable subjects. We are always glad to help you write such an essay. We have free advice, sample topics, and ideas you can use in your homework.

Advice on How to Select the Best Rogerian Essay Topic? From Experts

To get an appropriate subject matter to write about, you must consider the following:

  • The issue for discussion must be debatable;
  • You should have access to sufficient resources;
  • Gather facts on both sides of the argument;
  • Be able to establish a common ground on both sides;
  • You must not polarize the subject while discussing it.

If your professor needs a Rogerian essay, do not panic. Below is a list of 30 great topics that you can consider using.

Here Is a List of Rogerian Essay Topics for College Level Students

You can use the arguments below to compose your essay. The highlight can also give you the right direction of thinking.

  1. Legalizing the smoking of marijuana
  2. Testing of human drugs on animals
  3. College students and gun ownership
  4. Enactment of same-sex marriages laws
  5. Year-round learning in institutions of higher education
  6. Age of voting for national elections in the US
  7. Banning smoking in public areas
  8. Sex education and pregnancies among teenagers
  9. Lowering the legal drinking age in the US
  10. Implementation of 2-child policy in highly populated countries
  11. The harshness of American police on minority groups
  12. Armed security for schools in war-torn countries
  13. Banning of tobacco advertisements
  14. Embracing multicultural education in America.
  15. Teenagers make rational decisions when alone
  16. Abolishment of the death penalty in all countries
  17. Ethics of marketing to children
  18. Swimming is the best sporting activity
  19. Legalization of steroids in sports
  20. Technology limits human creativity
  21. Censorship of the internet
  22. Online friends versus imaginary ones
  23. The Pro-life abortion argument
  24. Significance of intermarriages in diversity
  25. Importance of cloning in medicine
  26. Graffiti and vandalism
  27. Various parenting techniques for kids aged 13 and below
  28. Life without art: Pros and Cons
  29. Today’s music vs. 80’s songs
  30. Use of phones in high schools

Rogerian Essay Topics for College Students: TOP-10

  1. Do you think that marijuana should be legalized? How would it change the United States?
  2. Would changing the drinking age have an impact on society? For better or for worse?
  3. Should smoking be banned in public areas?
  4. Should citizens be allowed to carry guns on college campuses?
  5. What do you think about limiting the number of children one can have to control the population?
  6. Discuss the censorship of Donald Trump and its impact on American citizens.
  7. Is social media dangerous?
  8. How has social media changed friendship?
  9. Should abortion be legalized globally?
  10. Should there be an age limit on allowing children to use cell phones?

20 Rogerian Argument Essay Topics

  1. The debate over gun control in the United States
  2. The pros and cons of legalizing marijuana
  3. The effectiveness of abstinence-only sex education programs
  4. The impact of social media on mental health
  5. The ethical implications of animal testing
  6. The role of government in regulating the internet and social media
  7. The benefits and drawbacks of homeschooling
  8. The debate over climate change and environmental policy
  9. The impact of technology on human interaction and relationships
  10. The effectiveness of the death penalty as a form of punishment
  11. The role of religion in politics and public policy
  12. The debate over the use of nuclear energy
  13. The impact of globalization on job security and income inequality
  14. The pros and cons of mandatory military service
  15. The debate over the legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia
  16. The impact of the gig economy on workers’ rights and job security
  17. The debate over the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture
  18. The role of free speech in public discourse and political debates
  19. The impact of artificial intelligence and automation on employment and the economy
  20. The debate over the use of affirmative action in college admissions.

20 More Good Rogerian Essay Topics

  1. The debate over the use of standardized testing in schools
  2. The role of the government in providing healthcare
  3. The effectiveness of alternative medicine in treating illnesses
  4. The impact of social media on political polarization and public opinion
  5. The pros and cons of capital punishment as a form of justice
  6. The debate over the use of nuclear weapons
  7. The impact of immigration on the economy and job market
  8. The role of affirmative action in promoting diversity and equality
  9. The impact of automation and robotics on the future of work
  10. The debate over the use of military drones
  11. The role of the government in regulating the fast food industry
  12. The impact of artificial intelligence on education and learning
  13. The pros and cons of homeschooling versus public schooling
  14. The role of religion in promoting social justice and human rights
  15. The debate over the use of the death penalty for juvenile offenders
  16. The impact of income inequality on society and the economy
  17. The role of social media in promoting democracy and civic engagement
  18. The debate over the use of alternative energy sources
  19. The impact of mass media on body image and self-esteem
  20. The role of government in regulating the use of personal data and privacy online.

Find Great Examples of Rogerian Essay Questions Below

At times, teachers throw some argumentative problems in a bid to stir up heated discussions among the students. However, some of these queries are supposed to ignite a debating mood that looks for an agreement between two opposing sides. Answers to Rogerian questions are not supposed to have a bias. They are supposed to lean onto both sides of the debate. Below is a list of some examples:

  1. In matters of life, should schools teach evolution or religion theory?
  2. Is the president supposed to be above the law?
  3. Do you think education is overly commercialized today?
  4. Should we eat more vegetables or animal food?
  5. Are immigrants a blessing or a curse to a country?
  6. Is the government justified to tax tobacco and alcoholic products highly?
  7. Would lowering the age of consent increase promiscuity among teens?
  8. Are body-worn cameras by police invade privacy laws?
  9. Is President Trump racist?
  10. Are electric vehicles a complete solution to the pollution menace?

Get Free Rogerian Essay Ideas from Experts

We have years of experience writing these types of papers. Below is a list of concepts that can help you understand Rogerian arguments:

  1. Playing the lottery should be abolished. This has two sides, banning it will reduce government revenue and charity work.
  2. It is healthy to drink coffee daily. While this beverage has health benefits, it is associated with side effects such as anxiety and insomnia.
  3. Giving teens condoms prevents early pregnancies. They are good contraceptives but will encourage promiscuity.
  4. Watching TV is informative. We learn a lot from television while, at the same time, it can instill criminal mentalities
  5. The length of paternity leave should be increased. One can argue that fathers, unlike mothers, play a little role in the first few days after the birth of a child.

Sometimes it’s difficult to draft a good essay of the style. We are here to help. Can’t find enough time to compose such a paper? Talk to the best essay writers right now. Click on the “order” button give us the instructions and relax.

George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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