Trending Essays

Subject: Political
Pages: 4
Words: 843
Rating: 4,8

China – Taiwan Relationship 🔥 trending

IntroductionThe island of Taiwan is separated from mainland China by the Strait of Taiwan. The island has been independently governed since the year 1949 after the…

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Subject: Political
Pages: 4
Words: 974
Rating: 4,9

Why is Taiwan important to the US 🔥 trending

IntroductionFor years, the united states have approached Taiwan with a particular interest, putting Taiwan in the middle of the longstanding US-China conflict. Amidst the issue surrounding…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 4
Words: 879
Rating: 4,9

Gun Control Laws: Why they Should be Abolished 🔥 trending

There is an extensive debate in the United States, on whether to allow gun control laws to thrive in the country. The Democrats and the Republicans…

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Subject: Education
Pages: 4
Words: 958
Rating: 4,9

Why student loans should not be forgiven 🔥 trending

Education is one of the essential tools an individual can acquire. It gives people the knowledge and skills they need to get a job, make a…

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Subject: Famous Person
Pages: 4
Words: 857
Rating: 5,0

Boris Johnson’s Cadence Summary 🔥 trending

Alexander Boris Johnson is a British politician who formerly began his career as a journalist before switching to politics. Boris Johnson has been the center of…

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Subject: Health Care
Pages: 3
Words: 864
Rating: 4,8

How has your life changed during the Covid-19 pandemic? 🔥 trending

The unplanned and rapid changes to learning and teaching in the online system instigated by COVID-19 impacted my life. Prasath et al. (2021) support that students’…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 3
Words: 807
Rating: 4,7

Connection Between Racism And Police Brutality 🔥 trending

 IntroductionIn recent times, there has been increased cases of police-facilitated killings of people of color, especially the Blacks, across the United States. The recent and most…

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Subject: Science
Pages: 9
Words: 2419
Rating: 4,7

Linguistic Differences and Ukraine’s Post-2014 Crisis 🔥 trending

Ukraine’s post-2014 crisis left the whole world perturbed and questioned how close long allays such as Russia and Ukraine could result in a war. Some commentators…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 4
Words: 951
Rating: 4,5

Effectiveness of Gun Control in Combating Crime 🔥 trending

Crime is perceived as one of the most significant challenges facing our contemporary society, especially violent crime, which is often regarded as one of the most…

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Subject: Political
Pages: 3
Words: 755
Rating: 5,0

Liz Truss and Ukraine: What will be the politics of… 🔥 trending

Liz Truss, Britain’s new and current Prime Minister, has previously served as the United Kingdom (UK) foreign secretary of state and is known for her tough…

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Subject: Famous Person
Pages: 4
Words: 880
Rating: 4,5

Elon Musk and Ukraine 🔥 trending

Elon Musk, the wealthy businessman, has wielded tremendous geopolitical influence with his broadband internet Starlink satellites ever since the Russian-Ukraine war began (Olinga, 2022). However, whereas Elon’s…

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