While celibate life may be seen as a deliberate way of evading societal norms, as often seen by many, it is one of the most fulfilling and satisfying life choices that an individual can make. Celibacy entails the voluntarily sexually abstinence or the state of being unmarried, usually willingly, or for religious reasons (Knox & Milstein, 2017, p. 157). Typically, a celibate may freely choose to abstain from any sexual activities for the specific period or throughout their life. Correspondingly, celibacy involves refraining from romantic relationships regardless of whether there are sexual activities or not. While there has been the dialogue regarding celibacy that is outside of religion, other than religious beliefs, there are numerous reasons why people have chosen abstinence. According to Strong & Cohen, 2014, p. 89), it is difficult to imagine life without sex encounters. The decision to be celibate constitutes the significant determination as well as the significant commitment that not only affect individuals’ sex life but almost every aspect of their life. Sexual life has been regarded as a personal affair that can just be complete when an individual decides to make such decision. Simultaneously, though it is rewarding to be fully informed before making significant decisions regarding celibacy, it constitutes a considerable decision that needs comprehensive introspection (Franklin & Good, 2017, p. 178).
There are various reasons why people chose to be celibate. Celibate individuals avoid bad sexual experiences. Sexual encounters entail multiple activities, including forceful undertakings, which one may not be comfortable. As well, it involves dropping the guard in that it may leave one partner vulnerable (Franklin & Good, 2017, p. 47). Moreover, there may be disappointments, criticisms as well as emotional and physical torture during sexual encounters. To avoid disgusting and psychologically upsetting one may choose to be celibate. Celibate life may lead to being one-self and free from distraction. According to Berger (2014, p. 312), celibate individuals spent less time worrying about other people’s perception and may reduce pressure thus allowing themselves to refocus on other significant engagements. Consequently, they do not spend more time beautifying them or struggling to be handsome to attract others. Individuals with higher sex drives may choose to become celibate so that they can concentrate other affairs without distraction.

According to Knox & Milstein, 2017, p. 234), Individuals who have regular sex stimulate the production of more sex hormone in their bodies. Such changes result from repeated fantasizing activities and continue urge for sex, which in many ways, distract them from concentrating on their actions. Because relationships and distraction go hand in hand, it may distract individuals from the focus on the most significant commitments (Franklin & Good, 2017, p. 193). Other individuals may choose to be celibate to avoid acquiring sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) or accidental pregnancies. Celibate individuals are almost guaranteed that they will not acquire STIs or get pregnant without planning because they do not engage in sexual activities. Celibate life makes individuals free from emotional instability because sex may sometimes misconstrue individuals’ feelings. According to Knox & Milstein, 2017, p. 98), sex is an intimate act, which may automatically bind individuals to each other without realization.
While some individuals, often the ones in denial, claim they can have sex without emotional ties, the majority of people are emotionally affected by sex. Celibacy allows individuals to make healthier, more informed decisions and shun the emotion that is powered by sexual desires (Strong & Cohen, 2014, p. 218). Individuals living celibate life are empowered to control their body and abstain from irresponsible sexual activities. Fundamentally, celibacy can be an efficient way of perfecting moral values and strengthening resolve regarding significant life issues. Besides, celibacy allows time for individuals to have a fresh start. According to Berger (2014, p. 112), Individuals undergoing celibacy may treat it as a form of cleansing. Refraining from sex makes individuals slow down, cleanse their mind, and make smarter choices regarding their future. Individuals may adopt celibacy for religious reasons. Some religions, notably Catholics, believe that celibacy is the prerequisite for one to acquire religious responsibility, clerical celibacy or priestly celibacy (Knox & Milstein, 2017, p. 167). While some religious groups, particularly Protestants, reject it, Catholics view it as the way of perfecting their commitment to service of humanity.
I feel that celibacy is noble, whether it is for religious purposes or general abstinence. The decent and self-sacrificing principles embraced during celibacy are unique values that need to be appreciated and upheld. I admit that choosing abstinence, in primarily sexualized society, is a daring attempt not only to reserve chaste life but as a test of altruism and selflessness (Knox & Milstein, 2017, p. 72). Accordingly, it is honorable and appealing. Correspondingly, celibate life is valuable because it serves as a consolation for those individuals who have had troubled past. I feel that, though the practice requires enormous strength to withstand the temptations, pressure, imagination, and dreams, it may be one of the happiest and most fulfilling lives to live. There are many reasons why people engage in celibate life and choosing celibate to have fresh start. However, choosing celibate life for religious reasons, the attempt to make healthier and more informed decisions are the most valuable reasons that are fascinating, as far as I am concerned (Franklin & Good, 2017, p. 262). I feel that I would also be happier, though I have not decided to be celibate, in this kind of a remarkable life choice.
- Berger, Kathleen Stassen. Invitation to the life span (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers. 2014. Print.
- Franklin, DeVon Franklin and Meagan Good. The Wait: A Powerful Practice for Finding the Love of Your Life and the Life. Simon and Schuster. Publishers. 2017. Print.
- Knox, David and Milstein, Susan. Human Sexuality: Making Informed Decisions (5th ed.) [With Salt Lake Community College supplement]. Redding, CA: BVT Publishing. 2017. Print.
- Strong, Bryan and Cohen, Theodore. The marriage and family experience: Intimate relationships in a changing society (12th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 2014. Print.