Emotional Intelligence

Subject: Business
Type: Informative Essay
Pages: 3
Word count: 883
Topics: Business Ethics, Human Resources

The capacity to manage self-emotions and the emotions of others is recognized as emotional intelligence. The management of one’s emotions as well as others would be with the help of various skills such as awareness of the emotions, harnessing of the emotions, application of problem-solving, and the ability to implement strategies that regulate the emotions in a job (MacCann et al., 2014). Therefore, the best examples to incorporate the emotional intelligence would be based on the ability to recognize and manage personal emotions appropriately and the ability to recognize other individual’s emotions as well as dealing with them effectively. 

Emotional quotient may as well include the ability that helps managers and personal experience in developing leaders, engaging teams, coaching staffs, and have successive planning which should be incorporated with the ability to sense, understand, and apply expertise in an emotional analysis. Therefore, the emotional quotient is based on the collaborations of high levels of intelligence as a way of promoting productivity within an organization (Dawda & Hart, 2000). Furthermore, intelligence quotient is the ability of an individual whether a manager or an employee in realizing their level of intelligence that they possess in understanding, interpreting, and implementing their knowledge towards the growth of a business or an organization. Therefore, the intelligence quotient may include the capability of an individual in learning and understanding new situations and the application of their knowledge in the definition of interpersonal skills. 

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Additionally, Intelligence Quotient may be designed to assess personal intelligence while the emotional quotient would be based on assessment, control, and identification of personal emotions (Dawda & Hart, 2000). Intelligence quotient in a workplace determines the foreseeable success through the incorporation of challenging tasks, analysis, research, and the development of strategies that would help in the advancement of an organization while the emotional quotient is primarily the teamwork efforts, leadership qualities, and collaborations hence; seeing the development of an organization. 

Leaders in organizations require the intelligence quotient for the benefits associated with the success of a company. For instance, managers could possess compassionate which is attached with the ability to organize an organization with the incorporation of other employee’s emotions. The managers are concerned with the employee’s emotions thus; showing the need for organizational development (Mandell & Pherwani, 2003). Similarly, emotional intelligence would as well help managers have an effective communication within their organization. Having the ability to analyze employee’s emotions would create a platform that would focus on communicating their primary focus of the business. Additionally, emotional intelligence would be vital towards the creation of self-awareness within an organization. Self-awareness is the ability to have clear strengths and weaknesses while handling job-related activities. For example, a leader would deal with issues affecting the organization such as hiring or delegating tasks to the employees.

Failure to possess the emotional intelligence attributes would make an organization or a manager possess negative emotions which would affect the implementation of organizational objectives. Similarly, low capacity of emotional intelligence would make a manager have behavioral issues that would affect his or her judgment (Nath, Ghosh, & Das, 2015). Furthermore, poor communication skills would befall a manager who does not have good emotional intelligence. Therefore, having good attributes of emotional intelligence helps a manager in the development of an organization. 

There are specific elements that help a manager in analyzing their skills on having an effective leadership which would include self-regulation, self-assessment, empathy, relationship management, and effective communication skills. Therefore, effective communication would ensure that a manager has a way of implementing his or her strategies (Nath, Ghosh, & Das, 2015). Similarly, relationship management helps in making deep connections between employees whenever one is distracted. Furthermore, the empathy attribute entails the ability to consider other people’s feelings by being compassionate of their ideas. Self-assessment and self-regulation are the disciplines that help an individual in maintaining their core values such as controlling their emotions for a better use. 

The improvement of social skills of a leader would be based on offering training and development programs that would improve the skills and capabilities of a leader in an organization. Similarly, an organization would as well introduce team-building strategies that would help in obtaining ideas from different people on different perspectives (Holt & Wood, 2017). Furthermore, developing strategies that incorporate or involves the employees in decision-making would also help the leaders in getting ideas from different thinking. Therefore, involving employees in decision-making would help leaders in improving their communication skills. 

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Additionally, decision-making processes would help in advancing the skills of helping one another in the each department. For example, a leader that uses the help of his or her employees can have a diverse understanding of different ideas obtained from the employees. Similarly, the inclusion of development relationship in an organization which may be characterized by the obtaining of social skills which help a manager in identifying the employees with exposed skills that would help in supporting the organization (Holt & Wood, 2017). Furthermore, working as a team is helpful to the management in accessing development procedures. For example, the leader can analyze the employees’ expertise and select the qualified and unqualified employees who might be of help in the future of the business. Therefore, emotional intelligence is a way that helps an organization in setting standards for the overall organizational development. 

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  1. Dawda, D., & Hart, S. D. (2000). Assessing emotional intelligence: Reliability and validity of the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) in university students. Personality and individual differences, 28(4), 797-812.
  2. Holt, S. S., & Wood, A. (2017). Leadership and Emotional Intelligence. In Leadership Today (pp. 111-138). Springer International Publishing.
  3. MacCann, C., Joseph, D. L., Newman, D. A., & Roberts, R. D. (2014). Emotional intelligence is a second-stratum factor of intelligence: Evidence from hierarchical and bifactor models. Emotion, 14(2), 358.
  4. Mandell, B., & Pherwani, S. (2003). Relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership style: A gender comparison. Journal of business and psychology, 17(3), 387-404.
  5. Nath, S., Ghosh, S., & Das, S. (2015). Relation between intelligence, emotional intelligence, and academic performance among medical interns. Open Journal of Psychiatry & Allied Sciences, 6(2), 96-100.
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