Table of Contents
Graduated from 1960-1974
The individual who studied from 1960-1974 did his higher education at Harvard College. He is my grandfather, and I interviewed him at home. The institutions available in the times were small and were meant to help individuals come to urban occupations from the rural farms. These colleges had their main aim in preparing ministries for leadership qualities. This was intended to provide the towns around the countries with community leaders. Increase in colleges back in the time lead to increase in social mobility. The Harvard College concentrated on the wealthy families and the ministers. There was speed in the growth of the number of colleges in this time and increased number of students. The state universities grew from the network of regional campuses in states and the small institutions. Later the local schools broke up forming universities separately.
There were many challenges in school such as lack of adequate learning materials and adequately trained personnel to train them. There were no law and medical institutions at the time. It is during this time that the world became influenced by globalization, endangering the environment and digitalization of data. These were made possible the higher education in the terms and the economy started to increase. There were low crime rates in the schools due to a small population and the students were not much affected by peer pressure. They had joined the class with a common goal which is their interests in learning.
Graduated from 1975-1989
This individual had no far much difference in what happened in the 1960s trend. Many people in the days said that schools do not make a difference. This is because the reforms of the 1960s of classes were used. Compared to the background of the students, the institutions had a shallow impact on the student’s life chances. It made some students lose hope and say if the schools did not matter; the education offered was a waste of time. It was believed that all students should study science, history, mathematics, foreign languages, arts, and literature. Students performed low in math and science which also led to low enrollment.
The challenges encountered in this education are that the subjects were tough and pathetic. The school was not considered a vital public issue and received little or no attention from the media. The debates held by the educators were unknown to the general public. It is during this era that a commission was elected to examine the quality of education in the united states. In the late 1980s education became a topic in the media.People had to understand if America had to prosper it depended on their interest for the change.
Graduated from 1990-1999
The individual graduated in this era stated that there was an improvement compared to the 1980s. It is an era whereby the educators, politicians and business leaders said that the schools should raise their expectations so that the students would be taught more. It was a decade where schools could not be neglected in America. They supported the schools and encouraged the rising generation to study. It was a time that they used to solve the problems experienced in the 1980s. This determined the change that would occur between the 1980s and 1990. They urged the students not to choose between equality and quality and have more expectations in education. Many adolescents joined the schools and focused on their after-school jobs. The parents started seeing the sense of the importance of their children’s education.
Graduated between 2000-2016
The individual interviewed in this era said that education is mandatory for every student. The individual is alumni in my school where I talked to her, and she works and can be found on the school premises. This is to help the students gain skills to handle the challenges in life and transform them to live a better life. It is an era that the government has appreciated the importance of emotional and social learning, health and nutrition in education. Enhancement of communication skills is far much essential to get to know how to address a public, listening skills and learn how to write. The students in this era are expected to know how to use science and technology. Environmental responsibility is essential in this period as students are taught how to conserve the environment by proper disposal of waste. The students in this era understand the outside world better and can keep their health and maintain that of others.
The government has improved the education through forming curriculum in schools, training the teachers, setting of examinations, assessing the students and teaches the learning processes. This strategy has made it possible to make the learning environment efficient to the students. The students acquire the new generation skills to better their educations. Students learn in classrooms whereby the class looks like a context of the primary educational goals.
The education sector in this era is faced with many challenges both direct and indirect. There is influence from the peers. Joining of the evil companies has led to degradation of the education. This is due to drug and substance abuse which destroys one mental health and making them has judging impairments. Students find it difficult to cope with the school environment hence dropping out of college due to the fear of academic failure.
Why individuals go to college
Different individuals go to school or universities for various purposes but with a common goal. The common goal is usually the desire to graduate and given a certificate. A certificate from a grandaunt gives them better chances of acquiring an excellent job in the line of his or a career. Individuals believe this post are the best and will help them earn a living thus living comfortably. Based on the certificate, it implies that it justifies the importance of education in the universities and college. These learning institutions offer the best place ever to share one’s dreams, experience and may find the intended purpose of your life.
The question of why should one go to college is primarily a personal question. People believe that by joining the learning institutions, it may help them become better citizens in the nation and far much to the whole world. One may improve his or her communication skills when they join the college. An individual acquires listening skills, speaking and learns how to write. One gets exposed to the matters that are not available in high schools that are based on people’s interest such as sociology and psychology. By joining the college and universities, one can be exposed to the outside world. It reveals one of the world culture and history; this improves one’s understanding of how the present world came to be.
The colleges and universities are advanced institutions of learning. One learns and gain superior knowledge in the area of interest. It is by joining this organization that one can become a researcher, scientist or a professional in a particular field. They tend to prepare an individual to enter vocational schools such as medicine, pharmacy, law and other schools to specialize in a specific area. College serves as an institution where individuals go to socialize and make new friends. If lucky, one may find a life partner. Networking is possible in college; this is because it offers an opportunity to network with academics and college people.
What remembered memorable in college years?
A memorable thing is something worth remembering. While in high school, people usually have a small number of friends and do not do any other significant activity than to read. People enjoy much while in college because there are no limitations, considered as grown-ups and have no one to question them much. The individuals are usually naïve and shy when joining college. Having to talk to huge crowds may be for class discussions, and presentations bother many and recall many of the time they have been embraced in front of the class. Going to watch movies, night parties and festivities is such a remarkable moment for many alumni.
It is in this college that individuals confess to having found their first boyfriends and girlfriends. The relationships may not work out well leading to heartbreaks. One may feel embarrassed and ashamed when asked what happened to the link. Colleges usually have many activities that need individuals to perform if talented. Involvement of individuals in these performances makes college life to be worth remembering. Some teachers are worth remembering because they like making life hard for students.
The graduation day turns out to be the most remarkable thing in the college days having accomplished. This is after sweating and shedding tears over the years struggling with education. People remember this moment to have lived away from home and experienced some independence.
The most considerable influence in college years
In college, many students are usually influenced by many religious activities. One may join the church grow up spiritually becoming successful in prayers and scriptures. It is made possible by the divine guidance from a mentor in the church who admires the faith. Peer pressure is typical of the college students (Jessor, R., et al., 2017). It is a direct or indirect influence from ones age group to engage in risky behavior for example drug use such as alcohol and tobacco. The affected individual refuses to take into account of the adverse effects the drugs may have on his or her body. The non-drug takers are considered to be out of the group and could not fit in their peers.
College can be a source of stress to the students. Pressure could be brought about by the failure of the college students to cope with the school’s strategies, separation from home and the sudden change from the high school. Stress affects students by damaging their mental health, failure to concentrate in studies and lack of attention in class leading to poor performance in their academics. It may affect the ability of the student to cope though it plays a significant role in personal growth. Stress may cause one to drop out of school for fear of academic failure and doing the school work. Peer pressure can also contribute largely to it.

Outcome of college education after enrollment
The primary expectation of college students after registration is to attain higher education. The college education adds more knowledge and skills to the students thus increasing the economic productivity of the individual. Increase in commercial productivity leads to an increased salary allowing one to afford a leisure budget. One can make an informed decision on who to marry, parenting, health and find happiness in college.
It is expected to promote personal growth. These are the activities involved in the improvement of awareness, development of talents, realization of dreams and careers and improve identity. Human capital can also be built, and personal growth influences employability. Personal growth helps one understand self and the potentials and play an essential role in maturity, happiness and acts as a strong foundation of spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical growth. It is the expectation of the students joining college to make new friends, learn new things and live far independently away from home.
Achievement of the expected outcome
Many of the students end by not achieving all the goals intended. They chose the wrong friends, join lousy company’s and get influenced by the peer pressure. This is due to the fear of standing out alone in decision making so as not to feel out of the group. They end up abusing drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol leading to impairment in decision making. This may affect their academics by failure to do the school work and result in academic failure. They may not be in an excellent position to make their decision in life, and many end up messing with their lives. Students find a college as an institution with a lot of freedom because it is away from home. Due to lack of close supervision from parents, they use their opportunity in a wrong way.
Some students tend to join the religion and become the members of the church. This makes them grow spiritually, mentally and socially hence able to make efficient decisions in their lives. They excel in their academics and have healthy relationships with other students. They are well mannered with or without any supervision from parents or the teachers. They get the certificate, gets into good-paying jobs and make right decisions on who to marry. The education offered in college is helpful in their learning and growing. They find the school the best place and utilize it in sharing their dreams and experiences hence learning from others. They learn the realities of life and about life by interacting with the people.
The education in the 20th and 21st century has differences. The training in the 21st century is based on electronics while the 20th century was based on work. The students learned from a teacher, and the facts were read out from a textbook. The teachers used to ask questions in the classrooms, and the students answered the loudly. If one needed a map or the information about the far places, it was also found in the textbooks. In the 21st century, the students learn from a variety; books, teachers, internets and fellow students. People from other countries, people inside the school and inquiring from their teachers are also a standard way of learning. Learning in the past was based on the adults while in this era kids go to school.
In 1960 to 1990 there were no environmental of control measures of conserving the environment. There were no set rules to govern the disposal of waste as part of the education. Ecological conservation measures include the proper use and management of natural resources such as water, livestock, and air and earth deposits. Mining was common back before 1990; this leads to air pollution and pollution on the earth deposits. Industries produced gases that were not good when exposed to the environment. Protection of the environment leads to healthy living.
In the 20th century, the colleges were not characterized with bullying to the freshmen in the campus by the older students, unlike the 21st century. There was less peer pressure influence compared to the 21st century. Peer pressure is shared among the college students in the 21st century. It is a direct or indirect influence from ones age group to engage in risky behavior for example drug use such as alcohol and tobacco. The affected individual refuses to take into account of the harmful effects the drugs may have on his or her body. The non-drug takers are considered to be out of the group and could not fit in their peers. There was no or less drug abuse in the 20th century.
In the 20th century, there were many challenges in school such as lack of effective learning materials and adequately trained personnel to train them. There were no law and medical institutions in the time. Compared to the 21st century, the teachers are well trained, efficient learning materials and the schools are readily available. There are lots of medical schools in the 21st century leading to improved health and care. Presence of law school has made it possible for good leadership and the governance of the society compared to the 20th century where leaders were trained in ministries.
In 1960-1989, a person was usually had to study science, history, mathematics, foreign languages, arts, and literature; the institutions had a little impact on the student’s life chances. It made some students lose hope and say if the schools did not matter; the education offered was a waste of time. Compared to the 21st century, it is believed that all students should attend school and it is a right to acquire the education. The class is essential for everyone. There are no forced subjects in colleges; one studies depending on the line of his or her career.
In conventional education is offered in a classroom set up by a teacher who teaches and asks the questions. Information is also gotten from textbooks. Both scholarships were fairly important, and this will lead to the improvement of skills and promoted efficient learning in the society. It is a common place where people made new friends, interact and share new ideas. This enables one to develop skills such as listening and speaking which makes one able to address the public. It also sharpens the individuals’ mind to efficiently listen to the class teacher building more skills in learning. Individuals should join a college with a set of goals and make sure they are accomplished before one is through with education. The evil company should be avoided such as peer pressure, school bullying and drug abuse companies. This can lead to academic performance and good work at school.
We can do it today.
In the future, education will usually be learned online. This is made possible in places with internet assess and is in the process to be applied. Students will no longer take notes in class. Instead, laptops will be used (Jaggars, S. S. 2016). The teachers will not have to write on the board, and projectors will be used to give lectures. The cost of education will increase in future, the standard procedure of joining college will not be applied. It includes finding a school, buying textbooks, attending the lectures, writing papers, seating for the examination, get the grades, graduate and later work to pay off the debt. The future colleges in America will focus on giving the students skills that apply to their work only other than wasting time on less efficient issues. These help master the required skills at work and save time rather than spending many hours on lectures and wasting time. These are intended to build communication and interpersonal skills. This will make many people interested I learning rather than people saying the students lack competency which is not learned in school.
- Jaggars, S. S. (2016). John Dewey and the future of community college education. By Clifford P. Harbour.
- Jessor, R., Costa, F. M., Krueger, P. M., & Turbin, M. S. (2017). Problem Drinking in College. In Problem Behavior Theory and Adolescent Health (pp. 123-138). Springer International Publishing.