Table of Contents
The introduction of web 2.0 was considered the onset of a revolution in internet usage. Initially, the usage of the internet was advised by the desire to engage in the traditional routines of content presentation and subsequent digestion by the audience. There rarely existed room for questioning or challenging the content. Instead, the presented content was considered the gospel. It was perceived a challenge to migrate from the demigod status that was accorded by the web 1.0 age. However, the advancement in internet penetration, as well as the conscious of the society towards the topic of internet content and its ability to capture the ambitions of the respective users, triggered the onset of web 2.0. According to Terras, Ramsay and Boyle (2015), the onset of web 2.0 was considered the bridge that sought to integrate the users into the content generated. In essence, it was subscribing a novel perception of the human condition. It was argued to have promoted a shift from the traditional traits of embracing narrow pedestal of opinion associated with an online opinion to empowering the voice of the user. This essay seeks to explore the potential impact the web 2.0 impacted in the reconfiguration of the human condition. The introduction of web 2.0 has witnessed the rewriting of the human condition to pair with the opportunities associated with social life constructed in the cyber space.
The Concept of Web 2.0
The contemporary internet is comprised of an improved sense of participation from the audience as well as active affinity to content creation. It may be argued to have restructured the entire concept of content development to involve all persons that can access the internet. Various applications under the web 2.0 permit the participation of content generator leading to a wave of internet activity. As a result, the web 2.0 has witnessed the restructuring of the human behaviour to incline towards an advanced sense of socialism. However, such observations could rarely be envisioned under web 1.0 (Ellison and Hardey, 2014). It restrictions denied the participation of the audience in the development or appraisal of the content. Instead, the internet was considered an element of expression for the selected few that had the ability to access the platforms that allowed the creation of their content. They were allowed to generate content and moderate on the nature of feedback that was to be associated with their publications. Arguably, such occurrences reduced the prospective role of the internet in the shaping of human beliefs. Instead, the internet was considered a model of reference to be engaged by the user in the management of the various trivia faced in life routines. Concepts such as crowd sourcing and knowledge management were considered foreign to the ambitions of the web 10 (Barrett, Notaras and Smith, 2014).
Restraining the internet to the comforts of content developers implied the subsequent grounding of its future ambitions to the replacement of books and informative canvass or paper documents. Also, such actions may be considered to have suggested a probable lack of interest in the perfection of the respective sources (Longan, 2015). Also, the prospect of constraining the developer pool to a few individuals was extensively entertained. It would have been argued the prospective improvement of the human lifestyle to align with the changes in technology would rarely be achieved. Arguably, such would argue against the trend manifested by technology concerning the improvement of human life (Giles, 2016). Achievements such as the introduction of the wireless telephony connection had a significant imprint in the adjustment of the communication prospects shared by the respective users. It would be anticipated that similar gains were to be achieved concerning the case of the internet. Attainment of such gains implied the subsequent embrace of advanced internet user models. There arose the need to transition from the constraints of access and usage to eventuate into the attainment of a user-friendly option (Wang, 2016).
Transitioning into Web 2.0
The transition phase was driven by the desires of the key players in the market as well as the corridors of technology. There arose a need for the concept of integration to be introduced in the internet terminologies. Apparently, the illusion of connectivity allowed the appreciation of the depth the platform offered to the respective users. An ideal exemplification of such depths would be fetched from the benefits the tourism industry was to fetch from the inclusion of users in content generation. It implied the possibility of realising immediate feedback as well as the ability of the users to be able to interact with the content (Taffel, 2015). In essence, the tourism sector may have been argued to be among the leading beneficiaries of the transition. It may, thus, be argued that opportunities took center stage in the characterisation of the identified promoters of the transition. Nonetheless, the impression of web 2.0 being a connector as compared to a destination remained visible. It was argued that the changes extended to the social life of the user might lead to the emergence of advanced needs that would lead to the redevelopment of the web into an advanced model (Schembri and Latimer, 2016).
The elemental observation regarding web 2.0 was captured in its introduction. Unlike in the routine technology where the introduction of a novel product involved the integration of advanced software and hardware, the web 2.0 initiation was modelled on an ideal. Its introduction depended on the adjustment of the modelling of the respective websites to involve an improved commitment to participant inclusion. Conversely, the improvement of the hypertext language to introduce simple, user-friendly inter-phases was considered essential to the attainment of the novel web 2.0 (Wang, 2016). Apparently, the appreciation of the impact that was to be extended to the user was perceived to be oriented on the probable benefits that were to be fetched from the expansion of the user population. In essence, a key concern that steered the upgrade of the internet was argued to involve the limitations that were associated with the ability of the users in comprehending the dynamics of hypertext (Ellison and Hardey, 2014). A reflection of the argumentative theory may allow the appreciation of the effects such limitations would have on the abilities of the users in comprehending the effects of the suggested transitions. Lack of skills in the management of hypertext development implied subsequent limitation in the promotion of elemental safety traits as expected in the setting introduced by web 2.0. Besides, the concept of content publishing was perceived an entirely separate discipline that could rarely be introduced to the entire user population. In response, the prospect of developing platforms that would permit such ease of use was considered the primary ambition of the advanced internet system (Terras, Ramsay and Boyle, 2015).
Implications of Web 2.0 to the Social Life of the Users
The primary beneficiaries of the web 2.0, upon its activation, were the human social circles. Apparently, social circles define the basis of the human condition. Humanity manifests a committed affinity to socialisation. Arguably, the social nature of humans triggers the need to share moments and express opinions. It may be further observed that the respect that the introduction of the social features in the description of the internet permitted the growth of the entire concept while appreciating the role of the enlarged pool of users in its characterisation (Schembri and Latimer, 2016). In essence, the suggested introduction of advanced social inputs allowed the subsequent concept of sharing of lifestyles across the users. It may be argued that the measure leads to a readjustment of the social life associated with human interactions. Initially, the perception of the respective locations as well as communal traits was bound to be captured through videos and pictures that were transmitted through the existing media structures such as television and related publications (Barrett, Notaras and Smith, 2014). Regrettably, such concepts constructed social matters along merits of the shared memories; hence limiting the level of interactions. It may be suggested that the introduction of the social tools of the respective internet platforms expanded the pool of interaction that was associated with the respective content interchanged among users.
A reflection of the interpreter theory may allow the appreciation of the changes that are associated with the unveiling of the web 2.0. Among the expectations of the theory is the prospect of the society adjusting unconsciously in response to the changes in their environment. In the case of web 2.0, the changes included the effects of the improved sense of diversity that was attached to the expanded internet user population (Lee and Cook, 2015). It was anticipated to introduced changes that challenged the beliefs of the practitioners along concepts such as the superiority of the traditions and the need to advance or modernise. It may be argued that such development introduced advanced expectations with respect to the implication of social practices. Unfortunately, a significant volume of such changes was triggered by unconscious practices that were activated by the participation in the practices associated with the gains of the cyberspace as promoted by the introduction of the web 2.0. As a result, the global communities were facing novel challenges that had developed at the absentia of their conscious (Ellison and Hardey, 2014).
Social media and improved content archiving prospects paved the way for the growth of the human condition towards a concept of equalisation. Initially, the perception of the human condition was constrained along the geographical limitations that were associated with the respective users. As a result, the level of inequality escalated extensively with the possibility of engaging ignorance regarding human condition in other parts of the globe being prominent. Also, technologies that enhance concepts such as birth and elemental human existence were rarely shared. As a result, the sense of imbalance remained at its peaks. An ideal exemplification of such models involved the concept of same sex unions and the rights of the LGBTQ -lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender and queer- society (Ankerson, 2015). A reflection of the argumentation theory may be considered in the explanation of the gains registered towards the address of the challenges associated with the introduction of the web 2.0. Apparently, the entire concept of logic was adjusted following the introduction of novel information. Prior to the introduction of the web 2.0, the prospect of having an opinion in areas such as sexual rights being upheld by the respective nations across the globe was extensively minimal. However, the prospective social integration introduced by the web 2.0 allowed the growth of the social interactions leading to the sharing of beliefs as well as the evaluation of the effects associated with the implementation in other regions (Terras, Ramsay and Boyle, 2015). Arguably, such progress has an impact on the social characterisation of the human condition.
A key shortcoming associated with the introduction of the web 2.0 may be argued to be the impact it suggested to negative influence. In most cases, the concept of cultural degradation seemed to have elevated following the improvements registered along the social opportunities presented by the advanced internet structure. In response, the embrace of foreign traits was actively embraced leading to the existence of novel challenges (Wang, 2016). Communities were faced by foreign challenges that exposed their lack of experience in their management. Among such included the lack of appreciation for social items such as fashion and diets among others. As a result, the prospect of promoting concepts such as tourism remains exceedingly challenged. Arguably, the implication of the superior foreign cultures suggested the commitment of the local traditions as an act of backwardness (Whitlock, 2015). In response, the youthful generation of the respective communities shied from partaking in such beliefs, leading to their extinction. It may be argued that the occurrence of such practices denied the world the input of its rich cultural diversity. Also, the practice suggested a possible reconstruction of the human condition. Apparently, it introduced novel lenses upon which to examine the elemental principles that define human life. It was vital for such practices to pair with the behaviours manifested in the advanced foreign society. As a result, some of the global societies were subjected to playing catch-up with respect to the progress registered by the rest of the world (Lee and Cook, 2015).
The concept of culture degradation as an input of web 2.0 may be best visualised through the reflection of the advances that were introduced in the global social life. Apparently, the rise of concepts such as Chinese food outlets across the streets of New York may be argued to have been sponsored by the exposure introduced by the respective social prospects introduced by web 2.0. Similar arguments may be argued with the introduction of the franchise such as KFC – Kentucky Fried and Chicken – in regions such as India and the African continent (Mishra, 2016). Debatably, their introduction may be argued to have triggered a conflict with the traditional models of diet as associated with the respective region. As a result, the newer destination joined the campaigns seeking to manage body health challenges associated with the engage of junk foods. It may be argued that the respective concerns were rarely well appreciated along the knowledge background that is attached to the respective communities. However, the introduction of the web 2.0 implied that the affected communities were anticipated to engage in further studies on how the respective conditions affected their concept of the human condition (Capriotti, 2017).
Reconstruction of the Cyberspace
The introduction of web 2.0 implied subsequent revamp of the cyberspace. It was elemental that the rise of the user population presented adequate grounds for improved innovations. Among such innovations included concepts such as advancement in the scope of the content as well as the introduction of novel practices such as social media (Giles, 2016). However, it also offered opportunities for user predators to attack the vulnerable user population that rarely comprehended the dynamics of the internet space. As a result, the eventual users were extensively challenged by their ignorance in the comprehension of the cyberspace. Societal vices such as crime found their way to the cyberspace (Elwell, 2014). Their inclusion was advised by the limitations of knowledge pertaining the operations of the cyberspace. It may be suggested that the shortcoming of the transitioning phase into the web 2.0 included the lack of dedicated systems to ensure the possible management of the expected surge was achieved. As a result, the eventual transition presented a nightmare to the concept of the human condition through the effects of the resultant challenges (Pyrooz et al., 2015).

The changes experienced in the cyberspace introduced concerns of safety that are faced in the actual life into the virtual internet environment. Sex predators and criminals capitalised from the gains made under the social cyberspace circles (Taffel, 2015). As a result, the prospect of engaging in precautionary activities and the introduction of conserved user practices was witnessed. Across the tourism sector, the impression of the cyberspace being considered a platform for the promotion of unverified claims and hypotheses lead to serious effects on the performance of the respective investments. Unfortunately, the progress of the web 1.0 in promoting the internet as the source of ultimate information regarding the respective life scenarios seemed to work against the contemporary crop of content developers (Ankerson, 2015). It may be observed that manifesting the knowledge of such perception allowed content developers to engage in options that permitted the validation of their respective work. However, similar gains were being registered by the quota that focused on the promotion of malicious information across the cyberspace. Arguably, the need to manage the cyberspace through the activation of authentication mechanism was considered elemental. Implementing such a system against the gains registered under the web 2.0 was considered a key limitation in the attainment of the aspired ambitions (Terras, Ramsay and Boyle, 2015).
The arrival of the web 2.0 may be argued to have inspired a dilemma situation with respect to the verification of content accuracy as well as the opening of the cyberspace to a wider user population. In essence, widening the user population implied the subsequent infiltration of malicious content. On the other hand, the introduction of verification channels was anticipated to constraint space to the initial giants that ruled web 2.0 (Ankerson, 2015). It would be argued that the attainment of a balance of the two concerns would revolutionise the expectations of web 2.0. Reflecting on the contemporary societal issues such as the rise of inaccurate news items that seek to influence human perception permits the appreciation of the scope of changes associated with the cyberspace. Also, the impact of such concepts in the description of the human condition may be suggested to be exceedingly remarkable (Pyrooz et al., 2015). Apparently, the existence of inaccurate information regarding the different concept of humanity allowed the adjustment of the level of expectations associated with the concept of globalisation. There was a stiff adjustment from the concept of admiration to the introduction of novel perception such as inferiority and dismissal of beliefs and practices. As a result, the prospect of global integration was exceedingly affected leading to the introduction of cultural conflict and division. Among the ideal result of such conflicts promoted along the observations registered under the transformations of the cyberspace include the rise of advanced and brutal acts of terrorism (Taffel, 2015).
The impact of the web 2.0 on the human condition has been captured through the meaning it has introduced to the concept of existence. Among the highlighted principle gains include improved connections that have permitted the prospect of sharing cultures and beliefs. Also, it has allowed the appreciation of the possible upgrade or downgrade of practices towards the embrace of globalisation. Apparently, such gains have been registered along the expectation of both the interpreter and argumentation theories. Other examined benefits include the management of challenges associated with growth stages in the description of the human condition. Critical growth stages such as childhood and adolescence achieve higher comprehension when evaluated along the knowledge management mechanism supported by the web 2.0. In such case, the impact of the web 2.0 has been argued to have a remarkable effect on the remodelling of the human condition. However, it has been considered erroneous to debate that the introduction of the web 2.0 has only eventuated into the improvement of the human condition. In some cases, the reverse has transpired with respect to the ambitions of the human condition. Apparently, societal vices have benefited from the opportunities promoted by the advanced internet technology. Among the reflected concerns included crime and cultural degradation. Their manifestation was linked to the reconstruction of the cyberspace as promoted by the unveiling of the web 2.0.
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