Learning Style Preference

Subject: Education
Type: Reflective Essay
Pages: 3
Word count: 939
Topics: Teaching Philosophy, Work Experience

My self-assessment on learning style preference indicated the following results 

Linguistic 42%, Logical-Mathematical 25%, Visual-Spatial 17%,

Intrapersonal 44%, Interpersonal 50%, musical 69%,

Bodily-Kinetic 17% and Naturalistic 75%

From the results, my learning style preference is Naturalistic

Using the results of your learning style preference, discuss how you would approach teaching the client-identified topic and content to an individual with a learning style preference that is like yours (naturalistic).

It is necessary to note that teaching an individual attributed to the naturalistic learning style preference on a certain client-identified topic, the whole aspect of the naturalistic learning need to be understood as one attributed to the application of scientific reasoning relative to the globe. The intelligence attributed to nature is in most cases applied in various fields of careers, which include farming, natural science, animal behavioral patterns and general science (Angelo & Cross, 1993). 

To teach an individual in this case, requires the need to observe, then record and evaluate the data. Scientific oriented topics need empirical solutions. The empirical solutions are obtained through an experimental process, which samples data and evaluates the data in a scientific manner. This provides evidence of proof on the realization of the results. When teaching individuals with the naturalistic learning style, it is necessary to help them generate a living system of any form of material of learning to make the process of interpreting real(Angelo & Cross, 1993). 

 Science is the practice of real situations, hence imagining a learning material as a living system makes it easier for the learner to interpret and relate on the situation at hand. In addition, the process of interpreting a situation by having a real picture in the mind makes the learner more proactive in terms of scientific reasoning. On the same regard, to teach an individual aligned to the naturalistic mode of learning requires encouraging him/her to write articles on nature and make it a daily routine (Nardi, 2001).  

Notably, the art of science is immensely attributed to nature. This implies that referring on the real situations through scientific interpretation is the foundation of the naturalistic learning style.

Based on the learning style, motivation, and readiness to learn, explain teaching strategies that might help make the information meaningful and relevant to the learners’ needs. 

The learners need to find the course interesting and meeting their interests for the information to reach home. If all factors, which includes the student motivation and desire to learn, are kept constant, then the instructor need to embrace various teaching strategies, which will help in making the knowledge or information to be disseminated in a more meaningful manner to the leaners. This include the aspect of early assessment of the leaners on what they know, what the learners want to know and what they learnt in the previous lessons. This technique of teaching is called the K-W-L (Nardi, 2001). This technique is necessary for the instructor to collect data from the learners, which is of great significance in understanding the needs of the learners. When an instructor is privy to the needs of the learners, it is easy to adjust the approach of teaching in a bid to meet the learner at his/her point of need relative to the learning process. 

The other strategy includes allowing the learners to play the first-person role during the learning process. This allows the learners to carry out problem-based assignments, which they can do individually or by forming small groups. This strategy offers the learners an opportunity to select the situations that link with the real-world challenges thus making the learners grapple with the aspects, which they are likely to face in their career paths. 

The strategy of welcoming the learners’ input to the instructors’ content and assignment, offers the learner a wide range of options of evaluation. This strategy enables the instructor to connect with the needs of the students and thus designing the courses in a better way that meets the needs of the student. In addition, the strategy enhances the instructors’ ability to increase the relevance of the learning material by offering the learners the appropriate real options on what they learn and illustrate mastery. 

Notably, the three strategies of teaching interlink and thus offers a excellently applicable approach to both teaching and learning .

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Respond to two of your classmates who have different learning style preferences and describe how you would approach teaching based on their self-identified learning styles

A learner attributed to the visual-spatial learning style requires visual-spatial intelligence, which enables him/her to see and change things in the mind. This type of learning style is related to the physical items. This implies that visual-spatial learning style is significant in solving problems attributed to spatial mathematics, which include designing and creating crafts. The essence of this learning style is to illustrate problems in real life when finding the solutions (In Khine, 2017). Application of art projects in creating representations of the learning material is requisite in this learning style. The aspect of using images and then connecting them to the reference data or information is common when practicing the visual-spatial learning style.

When considering the case of a learner attributed to the verbal-linguistic learning style, the aspect of logical-mathematical intelligence comes into play. This learning style is attributed to the potential of using words to write, read, listen and speak. In essence, poetry has been defined as the quintessence of verbal-linguistic learning style. The use of words to describe complex situations and various subjects signifies the style. The learner will need to practice and engross in the Socratic method of digesting the data through a question-and-answer approach (Nardi, 2001). 

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  1. Angelo, T. A., & Cross, K. P. (1993). Classroom assessment techniques: A handbook for college teachers (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  2. Gregory, G. H., & Chapman, C. (2002). Differentiated instructional strategies: One size doesn’t fit all. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  3. In Khine, M. S. (2017). Visual-spatial ability in STEM education: Transforming research into practice.
  4. Nardi, D. (2001). Multiple intelligences & personality type: Tools and strategies for developing human potential. Huntington Beach, Calif: Telos Publications.
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