Table of Contents
In the advertising industry, significant differences prevail between advocating for the truth and creating false claims. A large number of companies within the market have been known to peddle various mediocre products by utilizing unfounded claims such as certain products are proven by science and that they would generate guaranteed results. Nonetheless, it is essential to note that a variety of diets, products, as well as services, are usually marketed to parents arguing that they would benefit the infants or in permitting them to develop. With the goal of increasing sales to caretakers as well as parents, a large number of firms utilize marketing tactics that are usually unfounded, exaggerated, or even make unrealistic claims concerning the influences of the products they provide toward the development of children. Such kinds of companies end up crossing the line to an extent they end up being cost millions due to damaged reputation while they also pose serious threats to the public. In this sense, it becomes essential to bring such kinds of practices to light to ensure that the public is free from dangers affiliated with untruthful marketing. Thus, the paper discusses the claim by Dannon’s advertising that the Activia yogurt offers special ingredients as unfounded and misleading to parents or caretakers concerning the immune purposes the company claims it offers.
Area of Development Claimed by Product
Regarding the Activia yogurt, Dannon stipulated that the product comprises of special bacterial ingredients. In 2010, the advertisement for the Activia yogurt brand led the company to a major settlement of approximately $45 million. The company used to market the yogurt as scientifically as well as clinically proven to improve the immune system of children while at the same time assisting in their digestion. The advertisement campaign stipulated that Activia yogurt comprised of special bacterial ingredients, thereby leading the company to sell the product at a price that was around 30 percent higher when compared to other related products. However, in the opinion of a Cleveland judge who oversaw the case, the claims by the company were unsupported. The lawsuit directed against Dannon had commenced in 2008, after Trish Weiner, a consumer, issued a complaint. In addition to the $45 million fine, the company was coerced to remove the “scientifically” and “clinically” statement from its different labels. For terms such as “clinical studies show,” they were considered acceptable. In the case of Dannon, however, the company denied having engaged in any kind of wrongdoing while claiming that it had embarked on settling the lawsuit with the goal of avoiding the distractions and costs affiliated with litigation (Heilpern, 2016). In this sense, it is apparent that a large number of vulnerable caretakers and parents, are subjected to unfounded as well as misleading advertisements to purchase products that would cost them money without having any developmental benefits to their children, or they might end up posing serious threats to the developmental wellbeing of their children. As such, stern actions should be taken against such kinds of marketing practices.

Evidence from Literature
Concerning the issue of safeguarding the immune system of children as well as assisting in the digestive system of children, it has been proven that Vitamin C plays an essential role with respect to playing that role or even treating children from common colds. Thus, hence should make sure they gather sufficient Vitamin C. it is possible to gather sufficient Vitamin C from vegetables and fruits, which can facilitate in boosting the immune system of the child. For instance, in the event of flu and cold seasons, people do not like seeing their children suffering. In this sense, they need to ensure that take additional steps to allow them to safeguard the health of their children. In this sense, parents or caretakers can seek for Vitamin D sources while at the same time making sure that they children get sufficient sleep as well as make sure they are well hydrated. They also need to make sure that they frequent the doctor occasionally to ensure that their children are offered sufficient care when it comes to vaccinations or treatments against such conditions (Severson, Mallozzi, Driks, & Knight, 2010). In such cases, they would ensure that their children grow healthy and do not suffer from any developmental issues, particularly those affiliated with the immune system.
APA Code of Ethics
In the area of marketing, psychology, or even the health care sector, all parties are supposed to ensure they follow the ethical guidelines that exist. Here, in case I witnessed a psychologist from my state publicly endorsing a product lacking empirical evidence to support claims and later realize that the psychologist receives a percentage of money from products sold to parents, I would treat this as a violation of the APA Code of Ethics. The reason for this is that Principle A (Beneficence and Non-maleficence) of the APA Code of Ethics stipulates that psychologists are supposed to make sure they benefit the people they work with while ensuring that they do not experience any harm. Psychologists should make sure that they lay emphasis in safeguarding the rights of the individuals they interact with in a professional manner in line with other affected parties. In this perspective, therefore, any psychologist cooperating with companies marketing unfounded products does not follow the code of ethics and should be accorded the relevant legal safeguards (APA, 2017). Failure to do so would subject the public to more harm from unethical marketing activities.
In conclusion, various companies are driven by the urge to generate increased profits by making unfounded and misleading claims concerning the medical or health benefits that the products would offer to their developing children. The individuals at risk are mostly uneducated and vulnerable populations with no information concerning the products. Also, psychologists responsible for educating individuals on the relevant products usually fall victims of bribes by the companies. In this sense, it is essential to educate parents or caretakers concerning how to identify products with no empirical founding to allow them to make informed decisions regarding the products or diets they should provide their developing children.
- APA. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct.
- Heilpern, W. (2016). 18 false advertising scandals that cost some brands millions.
- Severson, K. M., Mallozzi, M., Driks, A., & Knight, K. L. (2010). How bacteria boost the immune system. The Journal of Immunology, 184(12).