Table of Contents
Organized sports are those kinds of sports that are done under strict supervisions and are mainly carried purposely for competition. Unorganized sports, on the other hand, are those sporting activities that are carried out purposely for enjoyments during the leisure hours. Competitions and enjoyments, therefore, form the core of differentiating the causes and effects of the two kinds of sports as covered in this research paper.
Thesis: Participation in organized and unorganized sports has great impacts on the participants and extends to affect the people associated with these participants. This research has greatly highlighted the causes and effects of involvements of young participants in these two types of sport.
In the modern society, the upsurge of technology has monopolized the time of most young people especially children who are consumed with playing video games, watching television shows and social media involvement. Consequently, most children have been left with very little time to participate in an outside organized or unorganized sports.
Organized sports are those activities that are planned and structured out by different institutions such as schools and colleges for the physical participation by the interested children. They include league hockey, tae kwon do classes, basketball, football, and soccer. These games are associated with rewards and honors for the winners.
Conversely, unorganized sports are those activities where the children randomly participate in without any prior planning or structuring. They are not always associated with rewards and honors as with the case of organized sports. The participants take part in those sporting activities mainly for their personal fulfillments. They include handball pick-up games against the school wall, hide and seek, street hockey, tag, skipping, and much more.
The participants of organized sports exhibit a high level of professionalism as compared to the counterparts in unorganized sports. Participation in organized sporting activities nurtures the children into becoming good sportspeople in the future through educating on the importance of working as a team. Furthermore, it develops the self-esteem of these children and builds the particular athletic skills they are interested in through practice and game involvement (Fuller et al., 2013). Also, it trains the children in accepting outcomes of games and creation of unanticipated acquaintances.
The pro levels of children in unorganized sports are quite subpar as it involves those games the children with their friends in the parks perefers. However, these children still stand a chance of learning about cooperation, forming great levels of skills and acceptance of the outcomes of the game through active participation. To realize that height, it must involve direct supervisions from the parents otherwise they may settle into bands that bully others. On the other hand, the parents could thwart the growth of the children in the unorganized sport due to their impatience and failure to offer their guidance (Harvey, 2014).
Causes of Organized Sports and Unorganized Sports
Organized has been proven by series of extensive researches to be fun and enjoyable to the adolescents. Most of these young people cite social reasons as the motivating factors in taking part in these organized sports and physical activities. These social reasons include meeting new friends, feeling the team environment and participation mainly for physical fitness and health objectives. On the bits of physical fitness, organized sports creates a feeling of satisfaction and eradicates laziness when done perfectly well. Similarly, on the side of health objectives, organized sports relaxes the mind whenever any participant feels mad and breaks monotony through participating in evening walks or riding of bicycles (Barnett et al., 2013).
On the other hand, participants of non-organized sports point at enjoyments as the main factor motivating them in taking part in the activity. They argue that the enjoyments promote encourages them to remain more inclined to taking part in the sporting activities that are not organized. The female participants in non-organized sports argue that it satisfies them whenever they step out and participate in an activity that makes them feel happy and complete.
The majority of the participants of sports that are organized point out at becoming skilled performers and being good as one of the key causal factors that encourage them in taking part in the activities. Being skilled performers encourage the participants in taking part in these activities continuously. The participants of organized sports argue that the level of skillfulness and fitness always varied as some of the players were natural gifted than the others. Nevertheless, the participants who are unnaturally gifted always end feeling demotivated in participating in these sporting activities whether they are organized or non-organized. The poor performers always give up from the word go from taking part in both organized and non-organized sporting activities due to their consciousness.
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One of the conspicuous causal difference between the participants of organized and non-organized sports is their respective attitudes towards competing against others. The unskilled perceive their lack of prowess as barriers while those that are skilled perceive themselves as enablers. The mentality greatly contributes to the cause of either taking part in the activities or not. For example, participants of organized sports pointed out at competition against challengers as being the motivating factor as some of them thrive due to such competitions keeping their involvement and focus steady. The participants of organized sports argue that the desire is involved in the activities are motivated by the desire to do better and become more successful than their challengers (Eime et al., 2015).
Contrary to this, the participants of non-organised sports believe that underemphasizing on competition and overemphasizing on the social aspects taking part in the activities collectively increases the physical engagement of the participants. The main reason for their involvement in the no-organised is the fun and other social aspects of playing, unlike the organized sports participants whose main cause is to experience the competition and become better than their opponents. Occasionally, the non-organized sports participates in the activities due to their personal competition rather than the desire to become better than the opponent.
Sports and physical activities competence has also proved to be one of the causes of participation of adolescent girls in both organized and unorganized sports. The competence in sports during childhood and adolescence significantly helps with maintaining the participation of these adolescents in the period of transition to adulthood. In order to promote lifelong participation in the physical activities, there should be interventions in place that solely focusses on the development of these perceived competencies in physical activities and sports.
Occasionally, support from the parents, family members, and friends or peers is vital in motivating the adolescents in taking part in both the organized and unorganized physical activities and sports. Girls from humble backgrounds often rely on their parental support for morale while taking part in the organized sports and physical activities. Positive support and encouragement are vital for girls in participating in after school unorganized physical activities and sports, especially when they are facing a period of transition from junior high to senior high schools. However, the encouragements, supervision, praise and involvement in the organized and non-organised physical activities by the parents, peers and the adolescent participants diminishes with time (Weight et al., 2015).
Finally one of the key causes of participation in organized and unorganized sports and physical activities is the access to facilities. Access to facilities relevant in participating in sports increases steadily with time as the adolescents grow into maturity. Research has proved that a larger number of physical activities and sports facilities available belong to the youth with increased levels of proficiencies. Access to sports facilities is compared directly with the socio-economic status of the family of the participants and that of the clubs of physical activities and sports participation. Studies have proved that adolescents that participate in the unorganized sports activities in the parks excellently correlate with their facilities, therefore, encouraging others to join the sports too.
Effects of Organized Sports and Non-Organized Sports
Involvement in organized and unorganized sports and physical activities has proved to be one of the best experiences for every youth who have a passion for sports. As discussed earlier in the causes, the participants make new friends, improve their skills and learn much about team works. However, such kind of experience is not always enough. In many occasions, participants of both organized and non-organised sports are faced up with coaches who are too much concerned about their personal egos than nurturing the talent of the young participants. During such cases, the players tend to feel isolated and consequently fail to form acquaintances. Additionally, the participants may also be faced with a lot of injuries due to tough competitions. The following are brief discussions on the effects of organized and non-organized sports among the youthful participants.
Poor Coaching
The drive to enjoy or entirely fail to enjoy sporting activities falls in the hands of most of the coaches of the junior organized sports team. When the trainer puts too much emphasis on winning matches, championships and games rather the development and personal enjoyments of the participants, the participants will tend to feel drained and develop a hatred for the sports. Also, when the trainers act badly to the participants on their period of slumps when previously they were highly regarded in the team, the participant’s morale drops entirely, and they lose the drive to continue with the sports. Such kind of poor training protocols ruins the attitude of the young participants and renders the training and playing experience painful. It is normally witnessed with organized sport and mainly in the learning institutions.
One of the key objectives in organizing youth sports is to protect the participants from getting hurt during participation. However, this is not entirely the case as no sport, and physical activities are completely free of risks. Even though the game or the match may be played to the best tune of its regulations, the participants still sustain injuries. Such experiences are common in contact sports and physical activities such as soccer, hockey and football matches. Additionally, participants may still sustain injuries in the fewer contact sports such as baseball, volleyball, tennis, and basketball games. Most of the common injuries include knee, shoulder, neck and back injuries. Serious injuries may traumatize the young players and discourage them from taking to the field again. Most of the injuries arise in a non-organized are very dangerous compared to the ones of the organized sports. Such fatalities are experienced due to lack of formed regulations that should be used to guide the way of participation.
Parental Pressure
Parents of the organized game’s participants always put too much pressure on these young participants. They blatantly provide the performers with strict and precise expectations such as telling a son to score at least two hits in a particular game. In this regard, the parent might feel that he is going to bring out the best performance in the young lad but instead renders him with undue pressure. Other parents would threaten the junior performers of imminent soiling of the family name and embarrassment. Most young participants who perform well after such harmful words experience a feeling being relieved but not the joy of the result of the sport. Such practices make the stress and anxiety levels in youth rise for absolutely no concrete reason, which is psychologically detrimental to the young performers. On the contrary, unorganized games are never faced with parental pressures as most of the games are done even without the awareness and consent of the parents (Hyndman et al., 2012).
Financial burdens
The burdens brought bought by the specialization of youths in sports to parents and family are significantly high regarding financial needs. Most families end up sacrificing a lot just to show support to the sporting endeavor of their sporting children. Some forgo vacations, routine family protocols, and savings in a bid to support the participation of their children in the organized sports endeavors. The financial burden stretches to the accessibility to the facilities of the sports and physical activities. All these burdens are felt by the parents of these participants. The participants of unorganized sports and physical activities experience financial burdens as they acquire their sporting facilities on their own. Some of them from low socio-economic areas end up modifying the facilities due to financial burdens that they are not willing to spread to their parents. Alarmingly, some end up getting involved in criminal activities to raise the finance required for purchasing the facilities (Kratěnová et al., 2007).
Good Health
Away from all the negative repercussions of organized sports, research has proved that children who spend too much energy on vigorous sports and physical activities exhibit good health as compared to the non-participants. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention Basics wrote an article on obesity in 2013 illustrating why the schools and communities should do practices of engaging the youth in physical activities. A similar research had conducted by Whitaker et al. in 1997 indicating obese children always shows signs of experiencing the same calamity in the future and participating in rigorous physical activities always reduce the chances of such occurrence. Therefore, taking part in sports and physical activities positively impact the health of the participants. Sports and physical activities promote good health and reduce the risks of acquiring diseases that are related to exercise such as obesity to both the organized and unorganized sports participants (Caterson & Gill, 2002).
Reduction of Ill-thoughts
Participation and engagements of the youths in sports and physical activities have tremendously reduced the suicidal thoughts and inclinations that are being shown by the adolescent boys and girls (Pate et al., 2000). The survey indicated that continuous rigorous sport’s training and participation helps with the reduction of hopelessness and suicidal feelings. When teenagers are socially accepted in the groups, they tend to remain hopeful, rejuvenated and happy thereby shunning the prospects of thinking about suicides (Taliaferro et al., 2008). Similarly, getting involved in the unorganized sports such as street football and community basketball teams always lowers the social and mental pressures in the adolescents that could lead to suicide (Hyndman et al., 2012).
The primary goal of this research paper was to get to know the causes and impacts of the organized and unorganized sports in teenagers and their transition into adulthood. The engagement in both organized and non-organised sports was found to have little to do with the attitude of the young performers. It was found that inadequate skills would never impact negatively in their participation in their latter stage of life. However, it was concluded that the development of skills both in the organized and non-organised sports is a key motivating factor that promotes improvement and maintains the participations of the performers.
The causes of engagements of young people in both organized and non-organised sports revolved around individual enjoyment and fulfilments. However, it was also learned that the participants of organized sports are motivated by their drive of coming on top in competitions while others by the support from the families and peers.
The effects of involvements of the youth in this kind of sports revolved around health, injuries, and finance for both cases. Additionally, the participants of organized sports were found to be faced with the results of poor coaching techniques and unhealthy pressures from the parents and family members. Most importantly, both types of sports were found to effectively applicable in the elimination of antisocial thoughts and feelings such as suicides.

In conclusion, it should be noted that according to the children, the age of acquisition of skills should never be limited to younger ages. Involvements in sporting activities are just but a matter of social enjoyments and fulfilments. Most children find sporting activities both in organized and non-organized sector platforms for meeting up with new friends. Parents and the institutional coaches influence a great deal in the growth of the proficiency and professionalism in the aspiring sportspeople of the future. The unorganized sports such as communal games are considerably healthy mechanism of promoting good social interactions in the community.
It is imperative that the participants of both sports are freely allowed to participate in the sports and physical activities out their motives. Most of them play for entirely different reason the ones stipulated to them by their parents and coaches. Moreover, the training procedures should be addressed and implemented in order to protect the junior participants from horrible coaches who thwart their morale during their slump seasons. Parents should understand that the consequences of putting too much pressure on their children are extremely gross and support the performers at their very own levels of performance. Finally, the local government should come in and address the unorganized sports by providing them with good facilities that do not cause the participants a lot of injuries.
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