Evaluation Essay Examples

296 samples found
All Evaluation Essays
Pages: 9
Words: 2451
Rating: 4,5

The influence of the anti-war movement during the Nixon era

Over time, there has existed a multifarious of debates regarding whether the social movements in the United States often attain the objectives they initially intend to…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 3
Words: 804
Rating: 5,0

How common is youth gangs in America?

Youth gangs are mainly involved in illegal activities, and they control crimes on the streets. They also deal with prostitution and drugs. They lead very dangerous…

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Subject: Sociology
Pages: 2
Words: 649
Rating: 4,9

Policy paper on human trafficking

IntroductionConditions of bad labor are widely existent in almost all countries in the world. The growth and development of international trade and the significant dispersion of…

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Subject: Famous Person
Pages: 5
Words: 1372
Rating: 4,9

Harrison Bergeron

The concept outlined in “Harrison Bergeron” is that in any nation equality is only useful in areas such as race, religion, and gender. However, it cannot…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 5
Words: 1295
Rating: 4,9

Mass incarceration evaluation essay

IntroductionMass incarceration is a term often used by sociologists to refer to the substantial increase in the number of people imprisoned. As studies reveal, in the…

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Subject: Political
Pages: 6
Words: 1539
Rating: 4,5

Buy American requirements

The Main Points of Buy American RequirementsThe Buy American Act refers to the 1933 law that was enacted to regulate the purchase of products by the…

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Subject: History
Pages: 6
Words: 1506
Rating: 4,9

Effects of Industrialization on women and children during the Progressive…

IntroductionThe years between 1820 and 1920 represented a critical period regarded as the progressive era. Notably, the United States focused on rigorous reform activities during this…

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Subject: Technology
Pages: 2
Words: 575
Rating: 4,6

Application security

IntroductionDifferent encryption methods are implemented for security reasons to prevent the access of sensitive information and two examples of such methods include computer encryption programs, the…

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Subject: Political
Pages: 10
Words: 2626
Rating: 5,0

Resident aliens in Israel according to the Torah and the…

IntroductionThe first five books of the Hebrew Bible, which include; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Numbers are referred to as the “Torah.” The Torah is a…

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Subject: Technology
Pages: 4
Words: 1082
Rating: 4,7

Wireless communications

IntroductionWireless communications have allowed for the transmission and exchange of data between devices and individuals who are widely spread over a given geographical area. Mobile devices…

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Subject: Psychology
Pages: 4
Words: 1070
Rating: 4,8

The mind’s ability to heal the body and brain through…

IntroductionIn recent decades, ground breaking research has shown that the mind of the human being has the greatest capacity to heal the human body. When testing…

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Subject: Health Care
Pages: 14
Words: 3900
Rating: 5,0

Contributions of security and privacy with HIPAA in ensuring patient…

IntroductionThe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, better known as HIPAA, was introduced by Congress. It was initiated with the intention to protect patient…

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Subject: Political
Pages: 8
Words: 2199
Rating: 5,0

An American prospective of the Panama Invasion

Introduction20th December, 1989. President George Bush orders 26,000 US troops into military invasion of Panama in what was known as the “Operation Just Cause” (Yates, 2008)….

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Subject: Political
Pages: 4
Words: 987
Rating: 4,7

The use of the language of propaganda in political posturing

IntroductionLanguage is a very powerful tool for communicating ideas with other people or presenting one’s argument. Generally, language is used for different kinds of reasons, but…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 2
Words: 603
Rating: 4,9

Positivist, biological and psychology theories

Positivist theory is a philosophical perspective that suggests the use of scientific methods and testable data study human behavior.  It holds that there are observable realities…

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Subject: Political
Pages: 5
Words: 1330
Rating: 4,7

Non-proliferation treaty

IntroductionNon-proliferation treaty is one of the international treaties whose aim is to prevention of spread of nuclear weapons and the technology behind making them with the…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 8
Words: 2333
Rating: 4,5

Impact of death sentences on society

Capital punishment, otherwise referred to as death sentence, has been a heated debate topic throughout the world. The existence of supporters and abolitionists results in a…

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Subject: Technology
Pages: 8
Words: 2234
Rating: 4,9

RFID chip implants

IntroductionRFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology refers to a persistent technology in which digital data encoded in Radio Frequency Identification tags are captured by a reader device…

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Subject: History
Pages: 6
Words: 1729
Rating: 4,8

Palestine and Israel settlements

IntroductionThe essay elaborates on the settlements between Israel and Palestine and details out the impact of it on both countries. The history of the conflict between…

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Subject: Religion
Pages: 2
Words: 527
Rating: 4,7

Christian servant leaders

Great leaders are key to the development of better employees and organizations by driving them towards the accomplishment of the set organizational goals that give them…

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