Environmental problems affecting our planet


In the recent times, many environmental problems affect our planet. For many years now human activity has argumentatively brought environmental concerns. It is a high time that the same human beings invest in solving the environmental issues. The various actions by human beings that stress the environment need to be addressed urgently before the same environment betrays the society (Abhinav Vaidya, 2017). There are various actions that human beings can use to address the prevailing environmental concerns. It is the responsibility of human beings to address the current problems facing the environment.

There are three initiatives that can play an important role in addressing the environmental concerns. First, is carrying out recycling. Recycling is the most common environmental concern initiative that can be carried out in most cities. It is one of the easiest and most accessible strategies for solving the environmental problems. Recycling attempts to reduce the environmental pollution caused by careless disposal of waste material. Separate containers for trash, garden clippings, and recyclables are placed in different points in the major cities to facilitate convenient picking up. Many household items can be recycled instead of being disposed carelessly in the environment. These household items range from aluminum cans, milk jugs, plastic bottles, batteries, printers, computers, steel containers, papers, and glasses (Longlei Li, 2017). Second, is controlling the human population. The increase in human population is one way that increases the environmental problems in the current society. The high population make human extend their activities in the natural ecosystem. Overpopulation is argumentatively a factor that increases the environmental problems that faces the world today. The controlling of human population through choosing not to breed is an initiation that will address the environmental concerns. The choice of not to procreate and finding fulfillment in other areas can help control the human population. Many people can find their fulfillments through communities of friends and in their careers rather than through procreation. Human beings have reproduced more than the planet can sustain. Currently, human beings can find other purposes and joy of life by developing themselves through sciences, sports, arts, and other domains. Lastly, the use of renewable energy at home and at work place can address the environmental concerns. The prolonged use of nonrenewable energy sources such as oil and natural gas has depleted the resources of the environmental causing intense problems. Using of alternative renewable energy sources such as wind, geothermal, and sun help conserve the environment from depletion of its resources. The nonrenewable energy sources tend to pollute the air through their emissions. The renewable energy sources conserve the environmental since they do not produce harmful emissions (POLUNIN & WILLIS, 2007).

These things can apply in almost all regions of the world though some initiatives may face challenges in some regions such as the less developed countries. Recycling, controlling human population, and using renewable energy sources can be applied universally though at different proportions. Many household items can be recycled in developed countries than those that can be recycled in less developed countries. The reduction of human population can be carried out universally though the cultures of the society in different regions can pose challenges in the initiative. Some cultures do not encourage the act of refusing to procreate. All regions in the world can shift from over reliance in nonrenewable energy sources to using renewable sources. Technology is a significant factor when it comes to using the renewable sources. Developed countries find it easier to use renewable energy sources than less developed ones. Technology in developed countries facilitates the use of expensive renewable energy sources such as solar energy and geothermal energy (PLIENINGER & BENS, 2007).

Many things can be learnt from the indigenous people of this country. These people are concerned on the environmental issues that the current world faces. They have come up with various initiatives to address the environmental concerns in their own unnoticeable ways. Some of these indigenous people are not aware of the environmental concerns and end up increasing the problems. This group of people practice human activities such as deforestation. They use firewood fuel which depletes the resources of the environment. The women needs of Northeast Ghana should be taken into considerations. Their needs are related to the environmental concerns that face the planet. The women need better ways of using energy sources that can help them manage their house chores more conveniently and efficiently.

Two of the things discussed in this essay have been addressed by some of the thinkers who have expressed their concern on the environmental problems in this week’s analysis.  Recycling as a means of conserving environment has been discussed in the week’s reading. Various ways in which recycling can be used to prevent the pollution of water, and the land environment. Poor disposals of waste in the environment have been depicted as one of the leading sources of environmental pollution in the world. Use of renewable energy sources has been addressed to by some thinkers. They highlighted the effects of using nonrenewable sources of energy to the environment.

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  1. Abhinav Vaidya, E. (2017). Changes in Perceptions and Practices of Farmers and Pesticide Retailers on Safer Pesticide Use and Alternatives: Impacts of a Community Intervention in Chitwan, Nepal.
  2. Longlei Li, I. (2017). Developing a Dust Emission Procedure for Central Asia.
  3. PLIENINGER, T., & BENS, O. (2007). How the emergence of biofuels challenges environmental conservation. Environmental Conservation, 34(04).
  4. POLUNIN, N., & WILLIS, T. (2007). Comments in Environmental Conservation: developing crucial dialogue in environmental science. Environmental Conservation, 34(02), 89.
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