Family influence on children’s behavior at school



My interaction with the grade 3 kid called A made me understand various things about children behavior. When playing badminton I also saw twins who were playing together with their sister who is two years older. The relationship between the kids at school was greatly influenced by their behavior at home. From my interaction and observation of the kids, I made a conclusion that the background of a family has a meaningful influence on the children’s behaviors at school. The behavior of a child at school has a direct relationship with their family lifestyle. A correlation between a family background and educational and economic stability does not indicate whether the connection between the two is independent of any school effects (Mustafa, 2015). Disparities may influence the association between school performance and home life in school or the neighborhood society. Mostly, family selects their children’s school by choosing their community or neighborhood, but very few will select good schools. In the quest to unearth the influence of family background in school performance, many other factors influence the children’s performances such as teachers and peer influence. Some of the common family attributes that affects the children’s behavior at the school include family income, family income, parental education and parental incarceration. Each of the family elements affects the children behavior as explained below.

Parental Education

The good language I heard from girl A as well as the language of the twins is a reflection that they have well educated parents. In most researches, parental education has been pointed out as one of the most important factors that correlate a child’s success in school. Parental education influences children’s education by choice of school and parental training at home. The social networks of the parents also add value to the social learning of a child.

The level of education of the parents has numerous effects on the overall growth, development, and behaviors of the children. Better-educated parents are more likely to be concerned with the quality of education of their children (Rebecca, 1999). The parent will select a quality school and neighborhoods because they understand that they influence the behavior and performance of children at school. Educated parents are concerned by the daily school activities and the relationship between their children and teachers as well as other children. Educated parents understand the role of teachers and will ensure that their children are served adequately at school.  According to researches on the growth and development of children, educated parents have a lot of interest in their children’s performance at school compared to those parents who are not educated. Understanding a child’s behavior is another fundamental issue when assessing the parent’s educational background. The education of a parent enables them to understand their Child’s behavioral changes, and this would influence them to initiate correctional measures in their children. Educated parents will also enhance the communication ability of their children because this is important in improving their communication skills in school. Parents who are educated will most likely pose questions and use complex vocabulary to their children, unlike the uneducated parents who pose directives and hardly use vocabularies. A child’s communication with a parent will be reflected in the manners in which the child communicated with other people in the society as well as school. Children whose parents are educated hardly use vulgar language or discourteous language when communicating.

Parents who are highly educated can utilize their social network to enhance the development of their children. In most instances, parents who are highly educated have social networks of people who have similar educational backgrounds and this is important is influencing their children’s social relationship. Children develop a culture of learning because of interacting with parents and friends who have high interest in education. Parents who are nod educated have networks that do not add any value to the academic behavior of the children. The main network that children may be exposed to are the business related networks in the informal sector and this is not helpful in the children’s academic behaviors. Most of the parents who are not educated will avoid introducing the children to their networks, and this is an enormous challenge to the child development. The social behavior of the children at school is poor.

Family Income

The interaction with child A could clear reflect that the kid was from a high income family. The child was talkative and did not have any issue that concerned her. The child must have a good family background and this makes her easy to relate with new people. The bold character of the child indicates that she is brought up in a family that has high income. Another vital factor in family influence on a child’s behavior at school is their family income. Children from high-income families are extremely different from those from low-income families. The revenue of a family affects the psychological and social behavior of a child. The income of a family has an influence on the quality of the school, living conditions and the neighborhood of the children (John, Christine, Marlo, Stephany, 2004). Parents with high income will always select the best schools for their children because they can afford any cost that arises from the school work. The cost of education is extremely high because various emerging issues require extra funding. A child who comes from a family that has high income will always get any financial support that is related to academics. Expensive schools have numerous benefits because they expose the students the best learning conditions which include qualified teachers, well-equipped libraries, classes, and laboratories as well as exposure to various extracurricular activities. The children who come from well to do families have extremely good behaviors because they do not lack anything that they want in pursuit of their studies. On the other hand, families that have low income have numerous challenges as far as academic of their children is concerned. The families with low income have limited choices of schools because they select the cheapest schools that are consistent with their earning level. Most of the schools that have children from low-income areas are characterized by various social vices such as drug abuse, disobedience to teachers, strikes, and poor performances. A child who comes from a low-income family will have to find some mechanism of satisfying some of the needs that they cannot offer. Most of the students who come from low-income families are mostly accused of stealing from their counterparts who come from high income earning families.

The income level of a family has a lot of influence in the learning behaviors of the children. The performance of the children is also influenced by the income of their families. Most of the students who come from high-income families are rated to be above average because of good learning conditions. The high-income children will get the best learning materials and the best teachers (Wafaa, 2015). The children also have adequate learning time because they are not involved in any home chores. In school, the children from high-income families will always attend all the sessions that are available because they do not have any other activities that may prevent them from being in schools. Absenteeism rate for high-income children is extremely low because most of their time is dedicated to education. The performance of low-income children is mostly below average because of poor working conditions. The condition is characterized by low profile schools, lack of adequate learning material and limited time for academic work.  The children from low-income areas have a high rate of absenteeism from school because of lack of school fees. The children may also have limited time for academic work because of an increase in house chore.

Parental Incarceration

My interactions with the grade 3 children help me notice that the children had not been separated from their parents. The children were jovial and talkative because they had no psychological problems. Their interaction with their parents has enabled them to be children who are not affected by interacting with other people. Incarceration of the parent when children are at school is another factor that influences their behaviors at school. The incarceration of parents affects the children psychologically and socially and this has a negative effect on the children performance (Mustafa, 2015). Most of the children whose parents are incarcerated have been reported to have some behaviors that are normal. One of the common behaviors in most of the children is disobedience. These children are disobedience because they are separated from their parents, and this makes them hardy. Another behavior that is exhibited in these children at the school is that the children are extremely violent. There are many incidences of conflict between these kids with their counterparts or in some incidences with the children. Most of the children whose parents are incarcerated have a negative attitude towards education and have no interest in improving their academic performance because of their negative feeling about their parents’ situation. Separation of children from their parents due to incarceration makes children feel that everyone is against them and this makes them try to defend themselves in any situation that seems to be threatening their peace and freedom.

Family Structure

My observation of the twins and their elder sister was an indication of how the structure of the family influences the behavior of a child in school. The twins have not been taught how to interact with different people apart from their family. The structure of a family is another important factor that influences the children behaviors at school. The family is the basic structure that influences the child’s social life (Jen, 2006). Children from different family structures have different behaviors at schools. One of the family structures that have a positive effect on the children behaviors at school is the monogamy family structure where a child has one mother and a father. Monogamy families help the children to have good psychological state whereby the children are able to discuss their parents comfortably. Children are proud of their parents, and they will like discussing them at schools. Children from monogamy families have high self-esteem because they feel that their family has the best qualities compared to other families. The relationship between children and teachers who come from monogamy families is extremely good because of the good relationship at home. Another structure of the family that has serious effects on the children’s behavior is the divorced families and single parents. Children who are in divorced families have a lot of psychological stress, and this is indicated in their daily relationship with other children. The children from divorced families tend to spend most of their times alone, and this affects their involvement in social activities such as games. The children also develop a negative attitude towards other students who are of the opposite gender. These children have low self-esteem and sometimes they are extremely violent when confronted or ask about their family background. The performance of students from divorced families is not very good, and this is because of sufficient concentration in their academic matters. Another form f family that has an influence on the child’s behavior at school is a polygamous family. Children from polygamous family tend to be extremely social because of their interactions at home. Polygamous families help the children to relate well with other children because of their training at home on how to interact with other children in the family. The polygamous family has proved that bringing up many children together help enhance their social and interpersonal skills.  Another category of children who exhibit different behavior from other children are the orphans. Orphan children have learned to be independent and will prefer doing most of the school activities independently. The orphaned children are extremely industrious at school, and this is influenced by their early exposure to many household chores. The performance of the orphans is also above average, the relationship between orphan with children and teachers is very good. Orphans feel that school is their home and this helps them interact exceptionally with everyone.

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My interaction with the grade 3 kinds had a lot of insights on the effect on family n the behavior of a child. The twins as well as child A had characteristics that exhibit their family background. The experiences of children at home are very important in analyzing their conduct at school and in the society. The influence of parents and other family members on the children’s behaviors is huge because it is reflected in their daily activities at school (Elizabeth, 1950). The relationship of parents and their children is an important ingredient that enhances their performances at school. The various factors that influence a child’s conduct at school are important factors when designing the learning program of children. One of the factors that influence children behaviors is their relationship with parents. Parents must ensure that they have a good relationship with the children and this will be reflected in children’s behaviors at school. The family income is an important factor influencing children’s behavior, and it’s the responsibility of the parents to ensure that they provide for the children sufficiently in their academic needs. Extravagance spending on children might affect their ability to learn and interact with other kids at school. The family structure as discussed is an as important element, and all parents must ensure that they do not expose their differences to the children because this will affect their relationship and behavior at school.

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  1. Elizabeth, H. (1950). Social Learning Begins at Home. Washington, Beetle Creek
  2. Jen, G. (2006) The Impact of Parents’ Background on their Children’s Education. UK. Harvard
  3. John, F. Christine, M. Marlo, P. Stephany, P. (2004). Multiple Dimension of Family Involvement   and their Relation to Behavioral and Learning Competencies for Urban Low-income Children. Philadelphia. National Association of Psychologist.
  4. Mustafa T. (2015). Parents’ Positive Role in Students’ Learning Process at Ishik University Preparatory School. Australia, Australian International Academic Centre.
  5. Rebecca, A. (1999). Parent Relationship between Parent School Involvement and Public School Inner-  City Preschoolers ‘Development and Academic Performance. US. University of Florida.
  6. Wafaa, H. (2015). Parents’ Socioeconomic Status and Health Literacy Domains among Shokrof Preparatory School Students , Shokrof Village, Algarbia Governorate, Egypt . Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.6
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