Analytical Essay Examples

1005 samples found
All Analytical Essays
Subject: Political
Pages: 3
Words: 852
Rating: 4.8

Congressional Gridlock

Congressional gridlock relates to the failure by congress to pass law that solve some of the problems the country is facing. According to the US History…

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Subject: Business
Pages: 5
Words: 1258
Rating: 4.7

Strategy of Developing Countries to Assimilate the Knowledge Generated Abroad

IntroductionIn the present globalized business environment, every organization is aiming to initiate innovative process, technology of strategy for achieving continuous success in the market. Almost all…

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Subject: Media
Pages: 5
Words: 1326
Rating: 4.7

Social Media’s Influence: The Unseen Impact on Today’s Youth

The dynamics in technology has set a pace that creates a ripe ground for the social networking or social media to thrive at an accelerating speed….

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Subject: Economics
Pages: 4
Words: 1237
Rating: 4.8

Employed and Self-Employed Tax Implications

IntroductionThe status of an individual as employed or self-employed has significant implications on matters of taxation. These implications concern both the individual and the employer, in…

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Subject: Political
Pages: 5
Words: 1226
Rating: 4.8

Benefits and Disadvantages of Sarbanes Oxley on Corporations

In the year 2000 to 2002, the US public companies were characterized by scandals, as huge amount of money was lost without a trace. This made…

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Subject: Philosophy
Pages: 3
Words: 658
Rating: 4.7

Codes of Ethics

My preferred company for the analysis of code of ethics is COMERICA BANK. This is because the customer trust on the banking services offered principally depends…

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Subject: Business
Pages: 4
Words: 1161
Rating: 4.7

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

The McDonald’s CorporationAll the major concepts that affect the growth and development of any organization either negatively or positively deserve to be acknowledged by the management….

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Subject: Business
Pages: 12
Words: 3242
Rating: 4.8

Employing Suitable Candidates at the Managerial Position

Executive SummaryGlobalization has led to an increase in the multinational enterprises as well as resource mobility all across the world. In order to compete at the…

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Subject: Education
Pages: 20
Words: 5212
Rating: 4.7

Differentiation and Mixed-Ability Teaching

IntroductionTeachers are required to cater to a wide range of students’ needs, in an effort to help them achieve high learning standards. This diversity of needs…

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Subject: Political
Pages: 29
Words: 7367
Rating: 4.8

The Nature of Space Treaties, Principles, and Declarations on the…

AbstractThis study elaborates on the historic as well as currently ongoing changes in the international laws guiding military activities in the outer space. It bases on…

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Subject: Psychology
Pages: 12
Words: 3237
Rating: 4.8

Psychological Theories and Processes Explaining the Relationship Between Childhood Risk…

IntroductionThe essence and significance of human development from infancy to adulthood cannot be overstated. There are various stages that human beings need to go through from…

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Subject: Health Care
Pages: 13
Words: 3470
Rating: 4.8

Bathing – Its History and Benefits

AbstractBathing, which is the use of water or any aqueous liquid to clean the body, has historically been practiced by human beings in various cultures. Ancient…

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Subject: Environment
Pages: 3
Words: 799
Rating: 4.8

Investigation of Energy Devices With Efficiency 100% or Higher

From the normal consumption of energy, it is inherently impossible to maintain the efficiency of any machine or device to 100% or even higher than 100%….

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Subject: Technology
Pages: 7
Words: 1811
Rating: 4.7

HRIS Technology

Human resource management is the process of managing the organization’s human power or personnel to ensure their efficiency. It is the organizational function that deals with…

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Subject: Business
Pages: 6
Words: 1598
Rating: 4.8

Organization Change: Delmonte Ltd.

Organization Description Delmonte Ltd.My organization is Delmonte Ltd. This Company is concerned with the production of all types of fruit juices. Having been founded in the…

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Subject: Technology
Pages: 3
Words: 987
Rating: 4.8

GlobShop’s Success Story: Transforming IT through Outsourcing

Summary From the article, Outsourcing Summary GlobShop is a travel company that operates globally and has experienced a wide range of business challenges between the 1990s and…

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Subject: Business
Pages: 3
Words: 868
Rating: 4.8

A Global Organization’s HRM Practices 

Introduction The global HR managers have to tackle the cultural diversity in an organization, distinctively. As a result, it is important to understand how various HR functions…

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Subject: Literature
Pages: 3
Words: 981
Rating: 4.7

Poke the Box

By design, the society only awards those who make some initiatives. It does not matter the project one undertakes, what does matter is the commitment of…

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Subject: Philosophy
Pages: 4
Words: 1129
Rating: 4.7

African Americans and Whites in Jacobs’s Narrative Made Moral Decisions…

African Americans and whites in Jacob’s narrative made what was considered moral decisions founded on their distinct moral codes at that particular time. The narrative setting…

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Subject: Psychology
Pages: 6
Words: 1650
Rating: 4.7

Leadership Training Need Ibentified

IntroductionAn organization is as strong as its leadership system. The leader paradigm of an institution communicates the direction and the nature of activities an organization will…

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