Diversity and the media


In one way or another, media impacts the majority of the populace in America. It is vital to note that due to the technology’s advancement, there is a profound impact in regard to the mass media. In a great way, media impacts an individual’s philosophies, conventions, the public ideology and the experiences (Awad Cherit, 2008). As the deliberations regarding multiculturalism have gained significance on the United States, as well as other parts of the world, cultural diversity has become an important element to the journalists too (Awad Cherit, 2008). Increasingly, the media is required in recognizing the numerous ethical compositions, as well as to undertake the measures in representing these compositions more intensely in the agenda of news, the newsroom’s employees and the audience at large (Awad Cherit, 2008). Due to the fact that media holds a critical impact on the daily lives of individuals, this paper looks on a media article and how it impact racism in the United States of America. It is vital to note that racial disparity is profoundly entrenched in the American Culture that they are almost invisible and there are unawareness among the white Americans regarding the benefits that they enjoy in the society. Therefore, this paper will look at article on racism by asking on the portrayal of African American shooting victims. The paper will also compare and contrast how minority and dominant groups are portrayed in the media article. In addition, the paper discusses two sociological theories that are most appropriate to understanding the diversity issues in the chosen media piece. Finally, the paper discusses how the content of the media piece may affect or might have been influenced by power.

Summary of the main events or issues presented in the article and describe how they relate to cultural diversity studies

The article looks at the investigation of the police regarding the deadly shooting of the African American at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, as a hate crime undertaken by a white American (Butler, 2015). Unfortunately, it isn’t a distinctive event in the history of United States. The article reiterates that in the past the black churches have been used by the white supremacists in an effort of terrorizing the black communities. The article gives an example of the egregious terrorist acts which occurred at a lack church in Birmingham. In this terrorist act, there was killing of four girls by the Ku Klux Klan’s members. It is vital to note that this tragedy resulted to the ignition of the civil rights movement. The issues presented in the article are related to the cultural diversity studies due to the fact that majority of the media outlets do not use the word “terrorism” when covering the shooting that occurred (Butler, 2015). Mainstream news organizations have not described the white, male suspect as “a possible terrorist”. And if the coverage regarding the other latest shooting incidences undertaken by the white men is any signal, the male suspect will never be described as “a possible terrorist”. As an alternative, the go-to description regarding his supposed actions will be the mental illness. That is the whiteness’ power in the United States (Butler, 2015). The majority of the United States media outlets undertake diverse policy when covering crimes entailing the Muslims, as well as the African Americans. As suspects, they are swiftly considered as terrorists, as well as thugs, purely inspired by the evil intents rather than the external injustices (Butler, 2015).

Comparison and Contrast how Minority and Dominant groups are portrayed in the chosen Media Article

In the chosen media article, there is a notion the minority i.e. the African-American are being targets of the media bias. It is thoroughly presented in this article that they minority group are generally at risk regarding the negative media attention (Butler, 2015). It is vital to note that stories related to the minority i.e. the African-American are represented more frequently in a negative manner in comparison to that of the dominant group i.e. the whites. In other occasions, headlines in the media have a tendency of suggesting that the minority are to blame for their deaths (Butler, 2015). On the other hand, the media outlets frequently selects in running the headlines that indicate an air of disbelief on the dominant group’s supposed actions. Occasionally, they appear in going out of their way to boost the dominant group’s character that often paints him/her in a positive manner (Butler, 2015).

Sociological Theories that are most Appropriate to understanding the Diversity Issues in the Chosen Media Piece

Bandura’s Social Learning Theory is one of the sociological theories appropriate to the chosen article. It is vital to note that this theory provides the effects on how the observation regarding an individual’s approaches, behaviors, as well as sentiments towards a given subject shapes a person’s approaches, behaviors, emotions and ultimately reactions. Thus, learning of behavior is based on an individual’s interaction within a given environment. It is vital to note that explicit behaviors based on the chosen article models how individuals’ observation regarding media directly relates to their behaviors, as well as emotions towards the minority group i.e. the African-Americans (Awad Cherit, 2008). Based on the chosen article, the media has provided aggressive behavior in relation to the minority group. The media has depicted the African American as dangerous, aggressive, as well as criminal. Authoritarian personality theory is another sociological theory appropriate to the chosen article. It is vital to note that authoritarian personality is founded on the on the mind state as well as attitude featured by the submission on a person’s authority.  From the article, it is apparent that the media coverage regarding the Africa-Americans aids in fuelling the prejudice. Through the presentation of the minority group as criminals, the media reinforces the prejudice already the whites have or even enhance their prejudice (Awad Cherit, 2008).

How one of Merton’s Four Categories of Prejudice and Discrimination Apply to the Media Piece Chosen

Prejudiced non-discriminator (timid bigot) is one of the Merton’s four categories regarding of the prejudice and discrimination which apply to the chosen article. It is vital to note that there is a belief among this group in numerous stereotypes about other groups and have a feeling of hostility towards those groups. Nevertheless, they keep quiet in the presence of those who are more tolerant. From the chosen article, it is apparent that the media provides a form of representative exhibition through the provision of news which is connected to aggression behavior. It is vital to note that this aggression behavior comprise the shootings. This can be used in understanding the response of the dominant group i.e. the whites to the negative messages depicted by the media about the African Americans. Therefore, there is a belief among this group i.e. the whites in numerous stereotypes about the African Americans whereby they have a hostility feeling towards them (Kulaszewicz, 2015).

Explanation on whether Assimilation or Pluralism Best Describes how Race and Ethnic Relations are Presented in the Media Piece

Pluralism best describes how the race, as well as ethnic is presented in the chosen media piece. It is vital to note that pluralism occurs when the groups preserve their personal identities. Normally, in a pluralistic society, groups remain distinct, and their beliefs, as well as social diversities persist over time. In the United States, the distinction regarding the racial minority groups indicate few signs of disappearing (Kulaszewicz, 2015). Furthermore, these groups’ some members query the very the very desirability of assimilation. From the chosen article, it is apparent that the minority group i.e. the African American, as well as the dominant group i.e. the whites has preserved their personal identities. It is vital to note that both groups practice diverse religions, as well as have different value system. In a great way, this has resulted to the dissimilar depiction by the media outlets whereby the African Americans are seen as criminals (Kulaszewicz, 2015).

Sources of Data that are Appropriate for Supporting or Refuting the Central Tenets of the Chosen Media Article

Prejudice, disempowerment, as well as the discrimination based on race have been a longstanding subject within numerous facets regarding the mainstream media (Kulaszewicz, 2015). In the past, the racial discrimination has been has been a heated topic in the country. It is clear that with the introduction of more stylish advertising, programming on entertainment, reporting of news, racial inequality continues to be an important element in the media outlets (Kulaszewicz, 2015). As the deliberations regarding multiculturalism have gained significance on the United States, as well as other parts of the world, cultural diversity has become an important element to the journalists too (Awad Cherit, 2008). Increasingly, the media is required in recognizing the numerous ethical compositions, as well as to undertake the measures in representing these compositions more intensely in the agenda of news, the newsroom’s employees and the audience at large (Awad Cherit, 2008).

How the Content of the Media piece may affect or might have been Influenced by Power

Those who own a particular newspaper are one of the powers that might have influenced the content of the chosen media piece. It is vital to note that one of the news media’s major challenges is the inability of looking at the big picture. Instead, majority of the media outlets emphasizes on the explicit events, as well as issues. This is normally true when it comes to the government ethics such as the gun control policies, whereby the news media generally makes considerations, as well as calls, ethics reforms on a peacemeal basis. It is vital to note that the reporters, as well as the editorial writers aren’t public officials, and they aren’t even the subsidiary agents of the public officials. Their work is based on their belief regarding the public interest. Nevertheless, the owner of the newspaper can use the article as part of the lobbying efforts. For instance, in this article, there is a possibility that the newspaper owner can use it gaining a given political adventure or to gain a certain popularity. It is vital to note that one of the most critical parts regarding such kind of efforts is by ensuring that an article comes in favor of a given objective. Yes, these efforts of lobbying do entail free speech, but that does not mean that they should not be revealed by the lobbyists.


In conclusion, it is seen that in one way or another, media impacts the majority of the populace in America. Increasingly, the media is required in recognizing the numerous ethical compositions, as well as to undertake the measures in representing these compositions more intensely in the agenda of news, the newsroom’s employees and the audience at large. Based on the selected article, there is a notion the minority i.e. the African-American are being targets of the media bias. It is thoroughly presented in this article that they minority group are generally at risk regarding the negative media attention.  Finally, at the national level, there are different strategies that can be applied in eradicating racial discrimination in the United States. This entails the advocating for affirmative action practices in both the employment, as well as the education sector. Numerous studies have indicated that there is rejection in regard to the people of color for the employment, as well as the admission to the institutions of learning far greater in comparison to the white Americans. It is vital to note that the initiatives of affirmative action can aid in mediating this challenge of racists exclusion.

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  1. Butler, A. (2015). Shooters of color are called ‘terrorists’ and ‘thugs.’ Why are white shooters called ‘mentally ill’? Retrieved November 23, 2017, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/06/18/call-the-charleston-church-shooting-what-it-is-terrorism/?utm_term=.cabd806dfd84
  2. Awad Cherit, I. (2008). Cultural diversity in the news media: A democratic or a commercial need?. Javnost-The Public, 15(4), 55-72.
  3. Kulaszewicz, K. E. (2015). Racism and the Media: A Textual Analysis.
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