Free citation generator
All referencing styles. All types of sources. One tool.
Citation Styles
Any Сitation Style for FREE
What is citation style, and how to go about it? This question challenges every student. So many rules and no vivid examples to follow… It seems like there are zero chances of doing appropriate citation formatting on the first try.

Unless, of course, you accept our assistance. Check what the main requirements for every particular academic referencing style are. Click on the button with your assigned formatting type and learn everything you need to style your paper according to prescribed academic guidelines. Plus, use our free citation generator to create accurate citations for your referencing list. It is simple to use, quick, and 100% free.
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Free ACS Citation Generator – Generate Your Citation in a Few Clicks

Creating citations in the correct style is critical for any academic papers that require conducting research. When you write a research paper, it is necessary to cite all sources you based your work on. It can be articles from other researchers, websites, video materials, and many more. And for each type of source, there is a certain way to cite it, depending on the choosing formatting style.

For students, it can be difficult to understand how to correctly cite sources used for writing their work. Here, we will tell you in detail about the ACS citation style and show how you can easily create a reference list with our ACS source citation generator. So, read on for more information!

ACS Citation Guide — What It Is and How to Use It?

You might have heard about such citation styles as APA (American Psychological Association) or MLA (Modern Language Association), but there is another popular one – the ACS style. It is the American Chemistry Society formatting style created specifically for chemistry-related fields, including Pharmacology, Nursing, Medical Biology, and others. Students pursuing degrees in these fields are required to format their academic papers in ACS style.

Full guidelines on how to format papers in this style are provided in the ACS Citation Guide. The last edition was published in 2006, and all current standards for ACS style can be found there. For instance, the Guide contains detailed instructions for:

  • Numbering and citing graphics and multimedia
  • Designing tables
  • Creating references
  • Adding chemical conventions and chemical structures
  • Word usage, spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Capitalization, special characters, and hyphenation.

The ACS style is not too hard to understand, but for those who deal with it for the first time, it can be challenging to create citations in the correct way. Don’t worry, we will help you to learn the basic rules for citing sources in ACS format. Or, you can use our ACS style citation generator and easily create references without any knowledge about this formatting style.

Creating ACS in Text Citation

First, let us explain how to create a correct in-text citation of sources. There are three types of in-text citations used with the ACS format:

  • Superscript numbers, that appear at the end of the sentence outside the punctuation, if the whole sentence is a quote or citation.
  • Italic numbers in parentheses, which appear inside the punctuation, and on one line with the text.
  • Author and year in parentheses, which appears inside the punctuation. If the author’s name is part of a sentence in the text, then only a year is placed in parentheses and appears after the name of the author.

Numerical citations are used for references in both text and non-textual components such as figures. If a source is cited two or more times, it receives the same number as for its first citation.

In author-date style citation, if there are two authors their names should be joined by “and”, not a comma. And in case there are three or more authors, you should give only the first one followed by “et al.”. These rules are not complicated and are similar to those used for formatting in APA style.

Creating ACS Citation References

Now, after we discussed the basic rules of in-text citation, let’s figure out how to create a reference list that is usually appended to the paper. Basically, there are two ways how you can list all sources, depending on what in-text citation style you choose:

  • In numerical order (if cited by superscript or italic numbers)
  • In alphabetical order (if cited by authors’ names and years).

Also, depending on the type of source, there are different requirements for formatting references. Thus, you can cite journals, books, websites, films, and many other sources, and each reference should include different data. Here are a few examples:

  • Сiting a website page, you must include the author’s name, the title of the blog post/ online document if any, the title of the site, URL, and date of access.
  • Citing a book reference you must include the author’s name, book title, publisher, city of publication, and year of publication.
  • Citing a journal publication you must include the author’s name, journal title, year of publication, volume number, and a page of the cited article.

We know that it must seem like a lot of information to remember. But, don’t worry, you don’t really need to keep in mind all this information, as you can use our ACS style citation generator! It will make the process of creating a reference list much easier for you. Read on to learn more.

What is an ACS Citation Generator?

For creating a well-formatted reference list in ACS style it is not necessary to know all used systems and add each reference manually. You can use our free ACS format citation generator instead! It is an online tool designed specifically to help students format reference lists quickly and easily. Those, who are pursuing degrees in chemistry or related fields, or are just preparing work for publishing in ACS publication, will find this online generator very helpful.

Sometimes, it is hard to find a tool that allows you to create references for different types of sources, including specific ones like images or videos. But, our ACS citation machine gives you the opportunity to cite any type of sources you might need for your research, including:

  • Journals and articles
  • E-books
  • Websites
  • Books
  • Newspapers
  • Online images and Videos
  • Interviews and podcasts.

With this online tool, you don’t need to keep in mind all ways of citing sources. The generator will do everything for you and deliver a ready-made reference. Our ACS style citation machine is completely free and available online. You can use it any time when you create a reference for your work on a chemistry-related subject, or any other case when ACS style is required.

Why Formatting the ACS Citation Reference Page with Generator?

For someone, who wants to try an ACS citation machine generator for the first time, it can seem like cheating. But we can assure you that it is not! Moreover, some professors even recommend using a citation machine to create correct references for academic papers. It is just a convenient tool that helps students to work on papers more effectively.

So, if you’re wondering whether you should cite every source you use for research manually or try the ACS citation generator instead, take a look at the points below. Here are the reasons why formatting references with our citation machine is the best way you can choose:

  • No need to learn all ACS style citation rules – use a generator without any knowledge of this formatting style.
  • You get a full reference list within a few minutes instead of wasting an hour citing each source manually.
  • Rest assured every source is cited correctly according to its type and ACS guidelines.
  • Get your reference list done for free and without installing any specific software.

As you can see, using an online generation gives you plenty of benefits. So, take advantage of our ACS citation machine generator and format your bibliography or reference list in a few clicks. It will make the process of writing scientific papers a bit easier for sure!

How to Use an ACS Citation Generator: Simple Steps

Our ACS source citation generator is simple and convenient, so everyone can get started creating an accurate reference list without any instructions needed. Here are a few simple steps you need to get a correct citation of any source:

  • Choose what type of source you want to cite.
  • Choose the subject, or enter the URL (if you cite a website)/ book title/ ISBN/ author name (if you cite a book).
  • Enter all the required information in special text areas.
  • Double-check the information and click on the “Generate citation” button.

That’s it! You will get an accurate citation of a source in a few seconds and can simply copy-paste it into your reference list. The number of citations you can generate with our online citation machine is unlimited, so you can format as many sources as you need for your papers.

And at the end, we want to give you a few tips. To rest assured you cite all sources correctly with our generator, keep in mind the following points:

  • Before generating ACS citations with our online generator, make sure you choose the correct style at the top of the form.
  • Don’t forget to choose the correct type of source you want to cite, as citation rules are different for different sources (books, journals, videos, interviews, etc.)
  • Make sure you fill in all fields in the form. It is critical for accurate citation.

There is nothing difficult in creating reference lists when you use our ACS generator. Just give it a try and save your precious time for other assignments.

FAQs on ACS Citation Generator

How to use the ACS website citation generator to cite a website page?

To cite a website page with the ACS citation machine, you need to follow these steps:

  • Choose the ACS style.
  • Click on the Website in the form.
  • Enter the website address and other information required in the form.
  • Double-check the information and click on the “Generate citation” button.

After that, you will get the accurately formatted citation of the website page.

For what academic writing should I use the ACS citation style?

The ACS style was designed for formatting academic papers on Chemistry and related subjects like Medical Biology, Nursing, and others. Thus, usually, the ACS citation style is required for students and researchers who work on scientific papers in chemistry-related fields and prepare them for publication.

Can a free ACS citation generator help to format a reference page correctly?

Yes, of course! Our free ACS citation generator was created to make formatting easier for students. It is a reliable tool that will help you to cite your sources in the correct way, according to the ACS citation guidelines. So, if you don’t know how to format a reference list in the ACS style, you should use our online generator for sure!

What is an ACS citation machine useful for?

Creating a bibliography or citation list manually is usually a time-consuming and difficult task. But, citing all types of materials that influenced your work is critical, as it shows what your ideas are based on and helps to explain facts that are not common knowledge. That’s why the ACS citation generator was created — to help students cite sources and create reference lists for scientific papers in chemistry-related fields much quicker and easier.

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