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Free Bluebook Citation Generator

American legal citation relies on the Bluebook system, so if you study US law, you should know how to cite reference sources correctly. This style guide is quite useful for students, lawyers, and scientists, however, it may be challenging and time-consuming to format your scholarly legal paper. With a free bluebook citation generator, you can create an appropriate Bluebook citation in a few clicks. So do not wait to use our tool, and legal citation will be much easier.

Let’s read the article and explore more useful information on the Bluebook citation system and a special citation machine that will do all the routine work for you.

What Is the Bluebook?

The Bluebook is a citation format for law students. Scholars in the field of law use it as a guideline for reference. There are several versions of the Bluebook origin: some argue it originates from a pamphlet by Erwin Griswold on how to cite law articles properly, while others believe it traces roots to the publication of Karl N. Llewellyn on how to write law materials. But despite these disputes, the referencing style is used by numerous U.S. law schools. There are plenty of citation systems, but the Bluebook is one of the most popular.

So let’s find out more about its structure and purpose. It has two sections: the Bluepages section with citation rules for documents written by practitioners and the Whitepages section containing citation rules for legal academic publications.

There are 21 rules and 16 tables. You can find citation rule categories, including style rules, rules for citing primary sources, rules for citing secondary sources, rules for citing non-print sources, including internet and other electronic sources, rules for citing foreign (non-U.S.) materials, and rules for citing international materials.

There are soft and online copies that provide information on citations, quotations, abbreviations, special symbols, capitalizations, titles, and more. The Bluebook is currently in its 21st edition, released in June 2020.

Bluebook Citation Guide with Detailed Instructions

You can use a free bluebook citation generator and have no worries but it’s essential to understand the style guide used for US legal citation. Here we’ll look at the most popular type of legal citation sources and learn their referencing styles.


The Bluebook referencing style norms for a book are included in Rule 15. You should provide the full name of the author, the title of the book, the part cited (section, paragraph, and page number), the edition, and the year of publication. The author’s name should be used as it appears in the original publication. If there are two authors, include both names and join them by an ampersand. If there are three and more authors, write the first author and add “et al.”. When the author of a book is an institution, you should provide its full name. When there’s the author and the institution, separate their names by a comma. It’d be great to use the abbreviation for an institution. Use the title of the book in small caps and capitalize all main words. You should specify the edition of a book if it has more than one edition. If an edition is single, add the year in parenthesis after the title. Machine referencing will help you cite all these kinds of sources fast and easily.

Richard L. Abel, American Lawyers 50 (2d ed. 1989).


You can find information on citing law reviews, journals, and other periodicals in Rule 16. In order to cite a journal article, you should include six elements, such as the author’s name as it appears on the article, the title of the article, volume number, journal title abbreviation, first page of the article, and date of publication. You can find journal title abbreviations in Table 13.

Dan L. Burk & Julie E. Cohen, Fair Use Infrastructure for Rights Management Systems, 15 Harv. J.L. & Tech. 41 (2001).

Internet and Electronic Resources

According to the Bluebook rule 18, an author can cite the combination of print with electronic citation and the electronic version. When the material you find on the web is published in both an HTML and a PDF version, cite the PDF version. Keep in mind several tips, and put a comma after the full print citation. If your computer creates a hyperlink automatically when you type the URL in the electronic citation, this is not the proper citation format, and you should eliminate the link. If you cite an internet web page, include the author, the title of the web page, the title of the website, the date and time, and the URL. When some of the components are not present on the page you are citing, you can specify the site owner or descriptive titles. If the URL is long, unwieldy, or full of non-textual characters, you can add the root URL.

Conference Report, German Soc’y for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English,
Mediated Drama/Dramatized Media: From Boards to Screens to Cyberspace (June. 17-20, 1999),

Bluebook in Text Citation: Basic Facts

With a good Bluebook format citation generator, you can easily create in-text citations. But before you use a machine, consider some basic rules. So you write the quote or source citation and put a citation after that. It includes the author’s name, title, and year of publication. There’s another guide on the in-text citation that includes the author’s name, the title of the article, journal volume, the abbreviated name of the journal, starting page of the article, the pages cited, and the year.

Bluebook Citation References

Here you can find basic referencing rules for different types of sources, so let’s examine an example of case reference. There are four main elements: name of party, citation of case, court, and date of the ruling.

Thompson v. Hanson, 174 P.3d 120, 125 (Wash. Ct. App. 2007).

An online bluebook citation generator will make reference citation hassle-free and correct.

Simple Rules of Formatting the Bluebook Citation Reference Page

These simple formatting rules will make your reference page immaculate. But if you have any issues, use an automatic bluebook citation generator.

  • Write full authors’ names just as they appear in the original publication.
  • If there are two authors, include both names separated by an ampersand.
  • If the author of a work is an institution, provide the full name.
  • The full name of any editors and translators is in parentheses.
  • Capitalize the title.
  • If a work has been published by the same publisher more than once, you should cite the edition and the year in parentheses.

Guide on How to Create a Bluebook Citation

Here we’ll explore how you can cite sources on your own to better understand the use of an automatic Bluebook citation generator. There’s a six-step process following which you will achieve great results but spend some time and effort. So firstly, you should define what type of source to cite, whether a book or a statute. Then search for this source type in the Bluebook rule. For example, if you are dealing with Congressional documents, go to rule 13. You should spend some time studying the rules and examples carefully. The citation components have been determined and applied to your source. Now draft a citation and edit it using style rules, tables, etc.

What is a Bluebook Citation Generator?

The Bluebook format citation generator is a special machine that facilitates the legal citation process. It’s a uniform citation system used primarily in the US by law school students and specialists within the field. You will get a 100% accurate output based on The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 21st Edition. Thanks to AI-powered algorithms, you will benefit from excellent Bluebook citations generated automatically in seconds. It enables authors to focus on their legal writing. There’s no need to consult a detailed guide but have your reference list ready fast.

How to Use a Bluebook Citation Generator?

Once you explore how tiresome and time-consuming analyzing the Bluebook rules may be, let’s find out how a Bluebook legal citation generator works. Firstly, you select the style and the source type (book, journal, website, etc). You should specify its title, author, publisher, place, and date of publication of the book if the tool fails to find it online. Enter a quote, and a machine will generate an excellent Bluebook citation. Then copy the output and enjoy the fast and easy work of an online Bluebook citation generator.

Final Thoughts

There’s nothing challenging in using our free Bluebook citation generator. You will save a lot of time and effort and generate a high-quality paper in accordance with the Bluebook referencing style. All you need to do is to specify all the required details in the form and get your reference list and citations ready fast. We wish you good luck and hope our citation machine will help you achieve academic success and will be useful for your future career.

FAQs on Bluebook Citation Generator

Is Bluebook legal citation generator reliable?

The bluebook legal citation generator is a high-quality tool for excellent paper formatting. It will cite your sources and quotes appropriately in a few instances. You will not have to spend hours looking for rules to apply. It’s recommended to know basic Bluebook reference rules to check the machine’s citation. If you have any questions, address an expert on our Bluebook citation generator website.

How to choose an online Bluebook citation generator?

There are many tools generating Bluebook citations, but how to select the appropriate machine? You should pay attention to the interface of an online Bluebook citation generator. It should be clear and have a straightforward form for specifying your information. Then find if they cite sources fast and there are no ads. There are paid options, but a free citation machine is great.

Is there a free Bluebook citation generator?

You can find a professional free Bluebook citation generator on the web. By the way, our platform provides high-quality citation services free of charge. There may be some unreliable machines, both paid and free, so pay attention to reviews and the website interface.

Who can use the Bluebook citation?

This set of guidelines will be useful for law students, lawyers, professional judges, and law enforcement agencies. The Bluebook citation style is a vital source of rules for legal writing. Law students can find information on the typeface, capitalization, abbreviation, quotations, and cross-references, rules for citing primary and secondary sources.

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