What Is an APA Journal Citation?
APA citation for a journal is a specific type of source citing that has many peculiarities and intricacies. APA is usually applicable to social and philology disciplines. Most students assigned to writing tasks often face trouble with citing journals since such a type of information source is quite complex. It has issues and volume numbers, many articles, etc. When referring to such a source, considerable attention is required.
Realizing how it may be sophisticated for learners to cite APA journal articles, we have designed an APA journal citation generator that sticks to the latest formatting standards and automatically provides you with proper APA citation of your source. It is a free application on our websites that works rapidly but reliably. Our experts always consider various updates to APA guidelines and add them to the citation machine.
APA journal citation may prove tricky for learners lacking a useful guide with all the tips and tricks gathered. Most effective materials are neither available nor comprehensible enough to an average student. Our writers with solid expertise in the field are familiar not only with the trends of APA citation in journal articles but also with difficulties students may face. That’s because we assist with the journal citation in the APA style both online and manually.
APA Journal Citation Generator – Best Online Tool
Our APA journal citation generator is an effective tool for generating a fast and upscale APA citation for various types of information sources. Citing a journal is quite common in research papers, case studies, and other writing works. Before employing our APA generator, you need to recheck the assignment’s instructions to decide what format and particular requirements it has.
If you need assistance with APA journal citing, you can apply to the generator by filling out the necessary spaces. You can miss points if you fail to find sufficient details. Our citing machine will provide you with the reference and in-text citation in any case, even if your journal has no author or precise publication date. The form usually contains the following information:
- Field or an area.
- Author.
- Title.
- Name of the journal.
- Volume number.
- Issue number.
- Page.
- Year, month, and date of journal publication.
- Editor.
- Quote.
Our APA generator uses the above components to cite a journal for your paper. The format may vary depending on the peculiarities of the journal article. Our program makes all the necessary alterations to the APA citation to contribute to the professional formatting of your reference page and APA in-text citation.
How to Cite a Journal in APA?
You can cite a journal manually by sticking to the sixth or seventh APA guidelines (depending on the assignment instructions) or rely on our professionally developed journal APA citation generator. It generates citations and references under the academic standards of the APA journal citation format.
Manual APA citation may take hours since you should find the appropriate and relevant material and become aware of the nuances of journal articles. However, you can optimize your paper writing process by employing an effective journal citation generator and handling references in a few minutes.
APA Journal Citation Example: Step-By-Step Guide
We find providing you with the relevant APA citation for journal example our priority. It is easier to internalize material if you have a step-by-step list of actions you need to take to cite a journal appropriately. Our experts’ guide highlights the central points of the journal citations.
- Authors’ names (usually there is a great number).
- Year of publication.
- Article name.
- Journal volume and issue numbers.
- Pages.
- DOI number if you find it or link with “retrieved from” status provided by the APA style.
There are some further nuances for in-text citations. They are not less significant since most professors require learners to indicate particular pages and journal sections in the APA format.
- It is critical to indicate the first author, and you can omit indicating others. It is enough to write “et al.”, then a comma, and year of publication if the number of writers exceeds 5.
- If you cite the journal in the sentence, you can list authors and indicate the year of publication in parentheses.
- If you express your opinion based on the statement in the journal, you can cite it at the end of the sentence taking names and year of publication in parentheses.
- You should use the “&” sign for listing authors’ names (between the two last authors). This rule applies to citing journals with up to 5 authors.
- If there are no authors, you should add quotation marks for indicating the title.
- If the article name is too long to cite, you can shorten the name and write solely a few first words where the first one is capitalized.
- Colon applies to title names that are too long and include two parts comprising the central context.
- The number of pages should be indicated if you refer to particular facts or statements.
- For short in-text citations, you can indicate the page number in the parentheses after indicating “e.g.”
If you still face difficulties or lack time to meet the deadline, you can request our online generator to cite your sources under the updated standards.
APA Citation Journal Article
The style of the APA citation for a journal article depends on its location in the paper. If you indicate it on the reference page, the form should be full and corresponds to the above demands. If you refer to the journal in the text (in the middle of the sentence, for example), the author’s surname and year in brackets will suffice. If you cite a journal after the dot in the sentence, the last name and year should be divided by a comma and taken in parentheses.
Cite Online Journal Article APA
Journal often has an author or a few ones. However, if you are eager to refer to a specific article, you can indicate it in brackets and quotation marks and also the publication year. If the article title is long and includes more than four or five words, you can write solely the first words that give the reader the central idea of the article.
Referencing Journal in APA Format
There are additional features of APA journal citing that are crucial to consider for proper reference formatting. The following criteria are:
- Listing names start with capitalized last name, comma, and then initials that also use the large first letter. As usual, many authors should be separated by commas and formatted according to the above rule.
- You should write the year of publication as well as the issue number in parentheses.
- The article name is always italicized but not fully capitalized. Solely the first word of the title has a large letter.
- For printed journals, there is no need to indicate the online resources where the article is accessible.
- Online journals expect to indicate their DOI or website address.
- Most professors prefer the DOI number instead of the link. However, the link can take place too if there is no DOI number or it is difficult to identify it.
- If there are two authors, you should use the “&” sign between last names for in-text citations, and the same sign for last names with initials on the reference page.
If you cite sources in your paper but still have issues regarding the peculiarities of the proper formatting style. Apply to our competent expert or a program developed by them to assist learners with professional citations and references.