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How to Cite a Blog in MLA?

When writing papers, you may face a situation when citing some sources is required or desirable. Naturally, you can hardly find a student who can easily make a citation in a certain citation style without referring to different guidelines and looking for detailed explanations with examples.

However, you may simplify the process using a free citation generator available on This tool has a comprehensible interface and covers all citation styles. In addition, you may select a source you want to refer to in order to provide all the required information and receive a perfect citation in indicated style. So, let’s pay precise attention to MLA blog citations and discover all the peculiarities and demands.

What Is an MLA Blog Citation?

If you want to demonstrate your expertise level, awareness, and interest in a certain question, you may need to provide citations to back your thoughts. Nowadays, you may often be required to produce an MLA citation for a blog since many scientists, writers, or artists have blogs where they publish their discoveries, thoughts, or beliefs.

A blog is an informational online journal or website displaying information chronologically. Unlike books, which we mostly cite, a blog does not possess some features like publisher or place of publication. Instead, other issues must be indicated when you cite a blog MLA.

MLA is an abbreviation for Modern Language Association, which is an organization that aims to develop guidelines related to everything connected with literature and language. So, certain rules of association showcase how to format and cite sources you use in your writing.

Suppose you want to know what blog information you need for proper citing. In that case, you may skim a free generator on EssayWriter and use this automatic citation-generating machine to be more concerned about the correctness and provision of full source information.

MLA In-Text Citation Blog

When you write a paper and find interesting or credible information on the blog, you may wish to cite it in your text or paraphrase it in the synonymic formulation. Such MLA citations are called in-text citations. As a rule, they are placed next to the referred information and are not large in scope so as not to be distracting for readers. In addition, such brief in-text MLA blog citation contains the author’s last name, unlike printed sources where you have to provide a page number.

Suppose your reader wants more information on the cited issue since your task is not to overload the reader and not plagiarize your writing by pasting lots of citations. In that case, you can find the source according to the author’s last name in the referential list provided after the full text is easy.

MLA Blog Citation Format: Main Details

If you face blog citation for the first time, you may be confused about how to start and what information to provide since there is a strict format you must stick to. Remember, it is necessary to follow the last 9th MLA style edition that contains the required elements to provide. So, what are the basic parts of MLA citation for a blog, and what is the order of their indication?

  • Author(s) name. If there is only one author, you must give first their last name and then their first name (e.g., Smith, John). If there are two authors, you should reverse only the name of the first author and add the second name in normal order (e.g., Smith, John, and Jim Brown). If you want to cite a blog with three or more authors, you should list only the first one and add “et al.” (e.g., Smith, John, et al.).
  • Post title. The post’s title is italicized if it is independent, but when it is a counterpart of a large source, you should not italicize it but add quotation marks.
  • Blog title. Here, you should provide a blog title and add a comma.
  • Posting date. To provide the information on how old your resource is, you should give the day, month, and year of publication. Do not forget to abbreviate all the months except for June and July (e.g., 8 Dec. 2022.)
  • URL address. Copy and paste the full URL, including http:// or https:// if possible. Do not use URLs that were created by shortening services.

Note that additional information may be required, like the day and month when the page was accessed. However, according to the 9th MLA addition, it is not obligatory to provide an access date.

Using a blog MLA citation generator on EssayWriter with a rather intuitive interface, you can save time and get a ready-made citation in several seconds by providing all the necessary information in the boxes.

MLA Citation Blog Article

Referring to the blog articles in your writings is quite a popular practice. Remember, if you cite an article from a popular source like LexisNexis, ScienceDirect, etc., you should indicate this for convenience of information finding and adding credibility to your writing if you use trusty resources.

So, in such a case, you have to provide the italicized name of the database before the DOI or URL address. For instance:

Hugh Ross, Ryan. 2020. “Julius Burger’s Themes of London: An Émigré’s legacy at the BBC.” BBC History Research (blog). BBC. December 7, 2020.

MLA Citation Blog Post

As practice shows, when students write their papers, they do not often include blog citations in their writings, perhaps considering this source not to be rather credible. But there are cases of biography writing or literary analysis making when it is required to cite the blog post. So, it is necessary to include blog citations in the bibliography if:

  • It is a crucial source of information in your paper.
  • You refer to the same blog in your writing very often.
  • It is a part of the instruction of your tutor.

So, when you cite a blog MLA, you should capitalize it in italics. If there is no word blog in the name, you should add the word blog in parentheses afterward: Big Dreams (blog).

There are some useful tips for you to follow when you cite the blog. So, you should follow some basic hints when you cannot define whether it is a blog or website since it is not indicated. As a rule, bloggers write in the first person and provide some personal information. In addition, new posts appear regularly at the top of the screen. Unlike blogs, which are individuals’ prerogative, websites are mostly created for businesses and have multiple pages. Moreover, new information on the sites appears less often than on blogs.

Another issue that may become a pitfall is what to do if the blog is a part of the website and you cannot decide on the correct MLA citation for a blog. In such a situation, you must provide the website’s name after the blog’s name.

Blog MLA Citation Generator

If you want to be confident in your paper content and the absence of grammar mistakes that may be eliminated with multiple online tools and excellent blog citing in MLA style, turn to our online citation generator. Spend several minutes providing all the necessary information and get a proper blog citation in the required style.

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