George Lynch

George Lynch

Literature, Psychology, Religion
George is one of the most experienced writers on our team. Give him anything related to Humanities, and George is your man for the job! A top-class expert that has never missed a single deadline. His essays on postmodern literature are always a great read, bringing students positive grades all the time.
Articles written by George Lynch

How to Write a Good Discussion Section

How to Write a Good Discussion SectionWhile writing a research paper, each student is faced with the question of how to write a discussion section fast….

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Art Essay Topics

While in college, students face many challenges in writing articles on various subjects, including choosing art essay topics. If you are a student with the difficult…

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160 Senior Thesis Topics

Aren’t you good enough at writing but always face writing challenges, and senior thesis is one of them? There are no problems without solutions. You have…

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140 Best Process Essay Topics

A process essay is a type of academic writing that provides step-by-step instructions on how to complete a particular task or achieve a specific goal. This…

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Impromptu Speech Topics

150 Best Impromptu Speech TopicsThe most important aspect of any impromptu speech is its subject matter. It is often difficult to choose the exact topic since…

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100 Best Human Resources Thesis Topics

There are more than half a million workers employed in human resources in the USA and millions in the world. The importance of the HR department…

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How to Write a Process Essay

How to Write a Good Process EssayTaking on writing a process essay, you must aim at handling it at the highest level. To cope with this…

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How to Write a DBQ Essay

How to Write a Good DBQ EssayWhen entering a university, business school, or other educational institution, it is more and more often required to write the…

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150 Best Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Compare and contrast essay is a regular assignment in various levels of education. That’s because it is a pretty effective way to monitor students’ knowledge and…

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160 Best Communication Thesis Topics

From the very beginning of human civilization, communication, and transmission of information have been the most critical factors in development and survival. Communication is the exchange…

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